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-Sunday December 4th-

I'm sitting eating breakfast when my aunt runs into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong?" I ask taking a bite of cereal.

"Several severs called out this morning because they are sick. Luckily, no one called out for tonight. Dinner rushes would be terrible. But still I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this morning with only 2 severs. Maybe I could open late."

"I can come and help." I offer.

"You worked Friday and yesterday, today's supposed to be your off day."

I wave her off. "It's fine. I can come in for a few hours till more servers come in. Breakfast and lunch usually aren't that busy, anyway. I was just going to work on my photography project today, but it's not due till Wednesday, so I can just do it later. I can even bring my camera and take some pictures of DelGatto's, all decked out in lights."

"If your sure..."

"I'm sure, Aunt Stella. Let me just go get changed."

I walk to my room and grab a pair of white dress pants and a sweater to change into. I then get a claw clip from my bathroom and do my hair in a messy bun. Cute but practical. I slip on a pair of brown uggs and find a purse that matches my outfit.

"Ready to go." I say, walking back into the kitchen.

"You sure you're okay with helping me open?"

"I'm positive." I reassure her. "Helping at the restaurant is fun."

"I would hope you like working at the restaurant, considering after you graduate college, you'll be the head pastry chef." My aunt laughs.


"Yeah. You're the best baker I know. I mean right now for desserts, all we sell is ice cream that comes prepackaged. When you finish culinary school, I'll have to renovate the restaurant to be a bakery and a restaurant."

"That sounds awesome!!" I exclaim. Am I dreaming?? This is like the best early Christmas present ever!

"Alright, let's go before we are late." My aunt says grabbing her coat. I grab my coat and hat and follow her out the door. Uncle Ricco took the car to go to work in the city, so we have to walk to the restaurant. Which usually isn't bad except for right now because it is snowing. I am definitely a person who prefers warm weather.

"When we get there, I'll let you make Italian hot chocolate to drink while we get ready to open." My Aunt offers to brighten my mood.

"That sounds nice." I hum.

Soon enough, we get to the restaurant. We're the first ones there, since Aunt Stella has to come in an hour before the restaurant opens.

"What do you need my help with?" I ask, tying my apron around my waist.

"Can you set the tables up?"

"Sure." I reply, slipping my notepad, pen, and phone into my apron's pocket. As I'm leaving the kitchen, I feel my phone vibrate. It's a text from Rafael. What could he possibly want.

Rafael: Hey wanna work on the photography project today since it's snowing? We can get some good landscape pictures.

What time? I'm helping Aunt Stella at the restaurant this morning since she's understaffed. I brought my camera with me, though, to get some pictures before customers arrive. So I can meet you somewhere after.

Rafael: What time does your shift end?

At 2 o'clock it's currently 9 and we open at 10. You do the math.

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