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-October 19th 2022-




I hear my alarm clock going off on my nightstand. Why did I decide to get up this early again? Before I can even shut my alarm clock off, I hear my bedroom door open and someone jump on my bed.

"Wake up Nat!!!! It's my birthday!"

I roll over and am met with Bella excitedly jumping up and down on my bed.

"Five more minutes." I mumble.

"Come on, Nat! It's my birthday, and you said Gabby would be here soon to hang out with me! Plus, mom made pancakes, and she said we couldn't eat them till you came down." Bella whines.

"Fine! Fine! I'm coming." I say, getting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

When I walk downstairs, I am met with the delicious smell of chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries, and maple syrup.

"This all looks amazing, Aunt Stella." I say, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"Of course they look yummy. Mommy used your recipe." Bella says, digging into her food.

"What and my recipe isn't good?" Aunt Stella snaps.

"No, yours is good. Nat's is just better." Bella says, continuing to shove the pancake into her mouth.

Aunt Stella smiles, "Leave it to an eight-year-old to keep you humble."

We all finish eating our pancakes, and Aunt Stella and I clean the dishes.

"WHERE IS THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!" I hear someone yell from the front door. And that would be Gabby.


"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Bellini, hey Matteo, hey Nat." Gabby greets.

"Hey Gabby. We have some extra pancakes if you want some." I say, putting the last plate in the dishwasher.

Gabby shrugs, "Sure, I'll have one. Now, where is the birthday girl?"

"I'm right here Gabby!" Bella squeals, running into the kitchen.

"Hey there, squirt! How is your day going?" Gabby says ruffling Bella's hair.

"It's good! Are you here to watch me while Matteo and Nat set up my birthday party?" Bella asks.

"I am. What do you say we go upstairs and get you dressed and do your hair? We should probably stay out of the kitchen so we don't interrupt Nat while she bakes? Oh, by the way Nat Amara texted saying she is on the way, she's just stopping at the store to grab stuff and I have heard nothing from Rafael or Anita."


"Come on, Gabby, let go to my room." Bella whines.

"You should go with her Gabby before she has to pull out the puppy dog eyes." I laugh.

Gabby laughs too. "Alright squirt, let's go."

I watch as Gabby and Bella make their way upstairs before turning to Matteo. "So, heard anything from your best friend?" I ask sternly.

"So, heard anything from your boyfriend?" He asks in the same tone.

"Touche, but seriously, has he texted you or anything?"

"Yeah, he said he would be here in 5 minutes. He just needed to finish wrapping Bella's present." Matteo says.

"Great. When he gets here, you two can go down to the beach. Aunt Stella, are you staying here to cook or going to the restaurant?"

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