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*Biggish time skip ahead*

- Tuesday, February 7th-

Today is Matteo's birthday and we have the whole thing planned out. After school, we are going to head off to Lori's because she FINALLY reopened. Then we're going to go home and play board games and have pizza for dinner. Then cake and presents! We planned Matteo's dream birthday. He doesn't really like big birthday parties, so we're keeping it simple with just me, Rafael, Amara, and Gabby. And obviously Bella when she gets home from school.

Right now I am sitting in English, aka the world's worst class. I just want the day to end so we can go celebrate Matteo's birthday. In cooking class, he wouldn't shut up about how excited he was.

The bell rings, pulling me out of my daze, and I quickly gather all my things and make my way to my locker. I pack up and head to the front entrance, where Matteo, Rafael, and Gabby are already waiting.

"So we're just waiting on Amara?" I ask

"Yup." Matteo says, blushing.

Amara arrives a few minutes later and we all leave to go to Lori's.

When we get to Lori's, we all order and wait for our gelato. While we are waiting, I dig through my backpack for my wallet.

"Shoot, I forgot my wallet." I sigh, zipping my backpack up.

"It's fine Nat, I was going to pay for you anyway." Rafael laughs.

"One day I'm going to pay." I huff.

"Sure." Rafael smirks. I just shake my head and laugh. Sometimes Rafael can be way too stubborn.

"Here are your gelato's." Lori says, coming out from the back.

We all pay for our gelato and leave to head to my aunt and uncle's house.

We get to the house in no time and make our way up to my room.

"So, what games should we play?" I ask, grabbing my box of games.

"NOT Monopoly, that's for sure. Nat would wipe the floor with us." Matteo shudders.

"How about Jenga?" I suggest.

Everyone agrees, and we set up the game.

Halfway through, everyone is screaming to not pull tiles.

"NO NAT DON'T GRAB THAT ONE!" Amara shouts as I reach for a tile.

"Relax, it's not going to fall!" I pull out the tile and place it carefully at the top.

We go on for a few more rounds before Matteo pulls a tile and the whole thing collapses.

"Well, that was fun! What game next?" I ask cleaning up the tiles.


A few hours and games later, we are all tired. We played Jenga, Uno, Clue, and Candy Land.

"Should we go see if pizza is ready?" I ask putting all the games away. Everyone nods their heads in agreement, so we go downstairs to see Aunt Stella setting the table.

"Oh, I was just about to get you guys! Pizza's ready. Help yourselves."

We all sit down and take a slice of pizza.

Eventually, we all finish eating and we go back upstairs to my room to play more games and have Matteo open his gifts.

"What game should we play now?" Amara asks, grabbing the box from on top of my bed.

"We could play Sorry?" Matteo says, pulling out the board game.

We all agree and start playing the game.

After a while, we get bored and put the game away.

"What do you wanna do now, Matteo? We have time before cake?" I ask putting all my games away and in my closet.

"Can I open presents?"

I roll my eyes, "Matteo it's your birthday."

Matteo grabs the presents off my bed and puts them on the floor.

He opens the one from Gabby first. She got him a ton of candy and an apron that says fire hazard on it. "Gee thanks Gabby." He laughs.

Next, he opens Rafael's present, which is a new video game. Then he opens mine to find a box of cookies and new cleats. "Thanks Nat. My old ones were definitely small and on their last life."

Lastly, he opens Amara's, which is a new beanie, socks, and a cookbook.

"Thanks Amara. I was running out of socks." He says, hugging her. I see a faint blush appear on both of their faces and smirk. Gabby looks at me with the same look on her face.

'They so like each other.' I Mouth to her. She nods her head in agreement.

"Alright time for cake!" I exclaim, breaking the awkward silence.

We all make our way downstairs. I grab the cake from the fridge as they all sit down. I also grab something to cut the cake, 17 candles, and a lighter.

I set the cake down on the table and stick the candles in them. We all sing happy birthday terribly and Matteo blows out his candles.

"Happy birthday Matteo." I say, handing him a piece of cake.

"Thanks Nat." 


Just a short fun chapter!  Hope you guys like it!

I'm going to try and update some more today. I really want to finish this book. 

Thanks for reading!!!!!


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