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-Friday January 6th-

Right now, me and Aunt Stella are finishing up the food for dinner tonight. Today is January 6th aka Epiphany. Schools were closed today and this morning Matteo, Bella, and I opened a few gifts from La Befana. Most of which were Italian candy and a few small things. Like I got some small hair clips and a Harry Potter sticker for my laptop.

Today is when you have a big feast to celebrate the end of the twelve days of Christmas along with the Epiphany. I also made a ton of desserts. I made some pizzelle, panettone, and nice cookies. The feast isn't a huge thing like the Christmas Eve party. It's a small gathering with close family. Nonno and Nonna come along with some of our Uncle's and Aunts. Uncle Lucio and Aunt Karah (His wife), always come even though they live in the more northern region of Italy. Their son Daniel, who is 13, comes with them. Ricco's two younger sisters, Ottavia and Rosaleah and their husbands (Uncle Favio and Uncle Emilio) and kids come. Aunt Stella's younger brother, Uncle Cario, comes as well. And when I mean younger, I mean way younger. Aunt Stella is 43 almost 44 and her brother is 31. He isn't even married yet, he might be engaged though. I can't remember. He moved to England to go to college and decided to stay. I think he is a lawyer or something. From what my aunt says, he has ZERO cooking skills and did everything possible to not inherit the restaurant.

I hear a knock at the door, bringing me back to reality. I walk over to the door and open it. "Nonno! Nonna!" I squeal as I hug my grandparents.

"Hello Natalia." Nonna greets.

"You two are early. Come in!" I say, parting from the hug.

"We thought we would come and help your moth-aunt prepare a little." Nonno explains, shutting the door behind him.

"Okay. Well, feel free to help. I'm just finishing up the desserts." The timer on my phone goes off and I rush to take the second batch of nice cookies out of the oven.

I finish glazing the nice cookies a few minutes later.

It's currently 5:30 and everyone should be here around six. I'm cleaning a bowl in the sink when I hear the door ring. "Matteo, get the door!" I yell from the kitchen

"YOU GET IT!" He yells back.

"I'm cleaning!"

"FINE!" He shouts and then I hear him stomping down the stairs. I finish cleaning the bowl and dry it with a towel.

"Ciao famiglia (Family)!" Uncle Lucio says, coming into the kitchen.

"Ciao Uncle Lucio, Aunt Karah."

"Natalia!" Daniel says, rushing into the kitchen with Matteo.

"Hey Daniel, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. I have so much to tell you and Matteo about school!"

"Oh, really." Matteo smirks. "What is so exciting about school? Do you have a girlfriend or something?"

"Matteo!" I scold, slapping him with a towel. "He's only in year 7!"

"Okay, just because you didn't start dating till this school year doesn't mean people can't before that. I had my first girlfriend our first year of highschool." Matteo protests.

"Yeah, for a week-"

"Yeah, Natalia's right. I was just going to tell you about academic stuff. I'm doing really well in science and history." Daniel says before Matteo and I start a huge argument.

"Cool. I love science."

The door bell rings and I hear Aunt Stella say "I'll get it."

"Natalia! Bella! Matteo! Come, say hello to your favorite uncle!" Uncle Cario shouts in his light Italian accent.

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