Season 2

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hey everyone, i'm sorry to everyone who's grown to expect the weekly updates, but unfortunately I need to pause writing this book for a few weeks or so to take a mental health break and get caught up in the writing. This is a natural place to pause, and i promise that there's still a bunch more that happens after this. don't worry, there will be a happy ending, it'll just take me a bit of time to bring it to you. I'm sorry!!

please look forward to season 2, here's a brief sneak peek of Miracle? for you guys as a present and apology:

All hope was lost.

Everything seemed like a blur after that point. Jungeun had felt Jinsoul take her hand and pull her back down to the main level, had heard Chaewon scream as a zombie ran at them and was knocked down by Hyunjin. She was held to Jinsoul's chest and heard a BOOM, then felt the heat of a fire. They were running again. Jungeun couldn't breathe.

What was the point of it all now? No one was coming to save them they were stuck here without any chance of returning to their families and homes. Jungeun kept closing her eyes and wishing to go back to before the nightmare started, before her entire world had been ripped out from underneath her feet.

"Stay with me," Jinsoul pleaded softly, and Jungeun looked up to see the older girl with tears in her eyes.

She kept going.

It seemed like a miracle that Bora, Siyeon, and Handong were still on the same floor. The zombies had almost reached them by that time, but more arrows and another string of bullets from Yoohyeon held them off.

"Oh shit," Minji exclaimed, looking from Gahyeon to Bora. "Is she..."

"Bora's alive," Siyeon said quietly, standing up with the woman in her arms. "For now,"

"We need to move," Hyunjin informed them, looking around at the infected who were only a couple hundred feet away. "Now,"

Haseul ran a hand through her hair. "And go where? They're coming from every direction, we're totally trapped-"


Jungeun didn't even have time to look up and see where the sound was coming from because Jinsoul shielded her instantly, her bigger frame blocking Jungeun from the bullets above. Jungeun held onto her and through Jinsoul's hair saw a woman, not older than Minji, standing on the top floor with a gun even bigger than Siyeon's.

"That's a whole fucking AK-47," Yoohyeon said nearby. "Who is that girl?"

Jungeun looked closer. The girl wasn't particularly tall, but she was gorgeous. Her hair was jet black and her eyes were piercing, but her features were soft. She wasn't shooting them, Jungeun realized, she was shooting the zombies around the group.

"Soul," Jungeun uttered. "She's helping us escape,"

Jinsoul looked up and her eyes flashed with understanding. "Come on,"

She got up and the other girls seemed to understand what Jungeun had figured out. They looked to Minji and the eldest pointed to a nearby store that had been left untouched, some sort of furniture store. Siyeon was carrying Bora so Handong was the one to break the lock and open the door to let them inside. Jungeun looked up at the strange woman, and she swore the woman smiled at her.

Heejin pulled Jungeun inside and Jungeun felt the air knocked out of her as she fell to the ground. Everything was cold, and the floor actually felt nice against her exhausted muscles. She groaned and then felt hands underneath her head and knees.

"I've got you," Jinsoul was breathing heavily, and Jungeun buried her face in Jinsoul's collar as Jinsoul held her up and followed the group further into the store. She traced a heart into Jinsoul's forearm because words just wouldn't be enough.

It was dark in the store save for a few battery-powered lights and Jungeun could just make out their group, which had situated themselves in the mattress section. Jinsoul set her down and Jungeun felt Yerim next to her, shivering like a leaf.

They were alive, but Jungeun wondered if they were lucky at all.


I love you all and thank you for your patience, I'll see you soon <3

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