Episode V: Promise Me What You Can

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episode 5: Promise Me What You Can

episode rating: TV14

episode run time: 27 min

previously, on Heart Beating For You: Jinsoul, Jungeun, and Sooyoung learn there's one thing scarier in their zombie classmates; their human classmates. Surviving will require more than faith.

episode synopsis: Jungeun, Jinsoul, and Sooyoung run into friends, and continue their struggle to survive in their school turned battlefield. Jungeun and Jinsoul deal with the unspoken parts of their relationship.


Jungeun had never felt more relieved in her life than at that moment. It was as if all the energy left her body the moment she knew she was completely safe. She practically collapsed into someone's arms, blinking in confusion. The people inside pushed the doors shut and Jungeun's friends stood in the center, looking bewildered but delighted to be alive.

"Oh my gosh!" The girl exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

Hands were around her waist and Jungeun looked up to see a pretty girl with a bob and sharp jawline looking down at her with a concerned frown. She recognized this girl, a more mature-looking version of Yeojin.

"Haseul," Sooyoung said softly. "Oh my god,"

The girl laughed in disbelief. "Sooyoung? Jinsoul? You're alive?"

"I'm just as surprised as you," Jinsoul scratched the back of her head, laughing between heavy breaths. "We didn't know if anyone else made it,"

"You brought supplies," Another girl nodded to the bag Jinsoul was carrying.

Jungeun winced as there was a particularly loud boom against the door, and everyone else jumped. Haseul's hands on her stroked Jungeun's hair and the older girl smiled down at her.

"Kim Jungeun!" Yerim bounced over to her. "We're happy to see you!"

"Let's make the introductions after we've gotten Jungeun a place to rest and some water," She began to help Jungeun sit. "You brought water, right?"

Jinsoul nodded. "Tons,"

"Hyunjin," Haseul said. "Move the ball cart, put it against the door. Yerim, get her water,"

The girls moved in silent unison and soon Jungeun found herself against the wall in the closet, her blazer covering her legs and one of the water bottles in her hand. It was greatly helping to be able to wash away the awful taste of her vomit, and the panic was starting to wear off. Now she could take everything in.

The closet was only the size of a small room with high-placed windows, containing a few carts of supplies and now, 8 girls. Jinsoul and Sooyoung both hesitated closer to the doors, Junguen purposefully ignoring Jinsoul's eyes.

"Um, I guess we don't all know each other," Haseul's lips formed a thin line. "I'm Cho Haseul, I'm a senior. That's my sister," She pointed to Yeojin.

"I can introduce myself," Yeojin said snarkily. "I'm a junior. And a zombie expert,"

"That's not a thing,"

"Shut up, Hyunjin," Yeojin glared at her. "Just you wait, I'm gonna save all your asses,"

"Language," Haseul chided.

"Ugh, you old people are so uptight," Yeojin crossed her arms and sulked against the wall.

"Hi, I'm Yerim!" The brown-haired girl said brightly. "I'm a junior, and I'm Yeojin's best friend!"

Yeojin's expression did not change but she gave the slightest of head nods when Yerim looked to her for reassurance. Jungeun thought it was kind of sweet.

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