Episode IV: A Rock & A Hard Place

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episode 4: A Rock & A Hard Place

episode rating: R (warning, content may be disturbing, read with discretion)

episode run time: 26 min

previously, on Heart Beating For You: Jungeun and Jinsoul go back to search for their phones to try and get help, but unique challenges are presented along the way. Both Jinsoul and Jungeun must confront uncomfortable pasts if they want to make it in their school-turned wasteland, but an unexpected visitor makes everything more complicated.

episode synopsis: Jinsoul, Jungeun, and Sooyoung learn there's one thing scarier in their zombie classmates; their human classmates. Surviving will require more than faith.


Jungeun awoke alone.

She still felt Jinsoul's blazer over her hips but the rest of the room was empty. The backpack was still under her, but everything had been packed again. The place Jinsoul and Sooyoung had been sitting was empty, and Jungeun felt her fear melt into confusion and then anger. She didn't want to imagine what the two of them might be doing.

Her heart skipped a beat when she thought of the night before, and how Jinsoul had so gently kissed her cheek. She thought of how sad Jinsoul had looked, how she had apologized for stealing a kiss.

It hurt. Jungeun was so confused, so scared and she didn't even know if she'd be alive to see the next couple of days. She just wanted to be with her best friend, she didn't want to worry whether or not Jinsoul loved her anymore, she didn't want to always be wondering how deep that love went.

I want you to kiss me. Jungeun thought. But why do you want to?

She dusted her legs off and stood up with the backpack on. Right now, she needed to be worrying about finding Jinsoul and Sooyoung. She looked to the door, feeling uneasy when it was open. Holding the blazer in her left hand and a knife in the right, she approached the doorway. She saw the back of Jinsoul's head down the hallway, hair down now, and Sooyoung not much farther in front of her.

Then Jungeun noticed the other people.

There was one incredibly buff guy with a strong jawline standing to the side, leaning against the wall. A bat was hanging from his hand with a smear of blood that made Jungeun shiver. She didn't want to know where that was from. The second guy was just as tall as the first and they both towered over Jinsoul and Sooyoung, but this guy's eyes made Jungeun feel uneasy. There was something sinister about them.

The horror dawned on Jungeun that there were many more of them than she was expecting. When Jinsoul tilted her head Jungeun could see at least 4 more and Sooyoung was probably blocking more. This was bad.

Then in the center of it all was Kibin, much shorter than his friends but wielding more power. He smirked at Sooyoung and his friends laughed at whatever he'd said, while Jinsoul turned to mutter something to the other girl.

Then she spotted Jungeun in the doorway, but it seemed she wasn't the only one.

"Aw, someone brought a friend to join the party," Kibin said. "Well don't be shy, come join us,"

Jungeun took a step back, but the man with the bat walked forward, and even when Jungeun tried to slip away he grabbed her arm and practically dragged her to her friends. She yelped, his fingers digging into her skin, and Sooyoung had to hold Jinsoul back when her best friend tried to pull them apart.

Jungeun was pushed into Jinsoul's arms anyway and her backpack dropped to the ground, being the least of her concerns. The man with the bat had grabbed her knife too, tossing it off down the hallway and rendering it useless. Jinsoul's hand was holding onto her waist and Jungeun could see the anger in her eyes that was just barely hiding the fear.

Heart Beating For You // LipsoulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora