the end // a note to all readers

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this feels a bit insane to me. 

i started working on this project in January of 2022. I literally wrote the last few sentences of the last chapter a couple of minutes ago. I'm in a state of disbelief that I truly finished this massive project. I still remember having the offhand thought that I should combine two of my favorite things (Kim Jungeun and zombies), but the fact that this has turned into a 160k project is something I'm still not sure I can wrap my head around. even writing in this part, a chapter i created before i was even 5k words in, feels trippy. I truly did not anticipate being able to write this much. every part of this project is very dear to me. my characters and the people who were able to interact with my work hold a special place in my heart. i would be absolutely DELIGHTED to hear your thoughts about what no doubt is a flawed piece of work, but i hope showcases how I can grow as an author. 

maybe i say this every time, but i can't express how grateful I am for my friends and the people who read my work and supported me. special thanks as always to ThirstyForRyu, who is always a big part of inspiring me to keep going, and who continued to read my work even after i killed all your favorite characters (ilysm babe). thank you to all the other people too!! i seemed to accidentally kill everyone you guys liked. my b. comments always make me so happy, even when they're vaguely threatening after i killed 3/4's of yyxy and most of deukae. anyway, that's not the point. point is, i feel like your guy's mini celeb and i really appreciate your guy's excitement for my interest, i don't know where i'd be without the support. every time i think about this little app/ao3 i can't help but smile because i love the community I've grown here. i hope to keep producing work everyone likes, though i think my life will start to get in the way. i hope i can keep being a source of entertainment for you, and that you'll keep coming back to my page :].

as I've spent so much time writing HBFY's Jungeun, I've grown incredibly attached to her. each girl is slightly different in each work i write, even if the archetype is the same. All these characters feel complex and important to me, and I hope that they became important to you too! please let me know if you had questions or there was more you wanted to know about, especially since they did not all feature heavily in the ending. I also hope the ending was satisfactory for everyone!

despite all my sappiness, I am relieved to be done with this project. I've spent a surprising amount of my life working on it, and I'm ready to move on to other things! I might come back and edit this when it's less fresh on my mind, but for now I'm happy with the way I've left things. I'll look back on these memories and only feel happy things. I'll thank everyone again, because this was a good memory for me. Thank you for making everything for special for me. 

I think I'm just rambling because it's a bit jarring to have this huge project now be over. i'd really love to read any comments you have!! i know a lot of people have been around for a long time, and it's so nice to just see someone get to the end. this is not the end! obviously. always more things in the future. ah! I thought i'd cry but I'm not. I'm only happy. 

i love you so very very much. I'll see you very soon!

- yventualip, MWAH <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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