Episode IX: Maruchan Ramen

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episode 9: Maruchan Ramen (special)

episode rating: R (not gore)

episode run time: 40 min

previously, on Heart Beating For You... The group adjusts to the loss of one member and the addition of three, but while they focus on each other, far more sinister things are lurking for them. Two things about the apocalypse? No one is innocent, and no one survives without blood on their hands.

episode synopsis: New things await Jinsoul and Jungeun when they leave the group, whether that be the city of zombies or the developments in their relationship. Given time alone, Jinsoul and Jungeun discover new sides of each other and Jungeun learns to accept how she feels. But they are not alone in the remains of what used to be Seoul.


"Baby, please stay with me,"

"I'm so tired..."

"I know, Soulie. You can rest soon," Jungeun groaned as she tried to get Jinsoul to keep walking. "Look, we just need to get to that building right up there. Nice and easy,"

With Jinsoul's arm over her shoulders, it was a bit awkward to make the trek towards the city. Jinsoul's fatigue had only gotten worse after they'd handled Dojin and his friends, and now they had to make it to a shelter before worse things came after them. There were dozens of zombies between the buildings and roaming the streets, but they were too far away to spot the two girls yet. The police station was just up ahead, and Jungeun was hoping it was empty and had supplies. There had only been a few zombies they'd crossed paths with on their trek, and each one of them Jungeun had dealt with. Jinsoul was trying her hardest, Jungeun knew, but she was also making it impossible to get there.

"Jinsoul," Jungeun pleaded. "Just a bit more, then I promise you can sleep,"

"I wanna lay down," Jinsoul groaned.

"I know you do," Jungeun assured her. "Look, if you can be a really good sport and just get to the police station I'll..."

"Kiss me," Jinsoul murmured.

Jungeun's cheeks got a little pink. "Kiss you, yes. I'll kiss you,"

Jinsoul's throat made a sound and she rubbed her head, but they were walking again. Jungeun could've cried out of happiness.

The police station was on the outskirts of the city, and as they got closer to it Jungeun couldn't decide if it was better or worse that the door was hanging open. Jinsoul stayed wonderfully quiet as they waited for a moment, and since Jungeun heard no noise she slowly looked inside.

It was pretty clean, considering everything. Not a human in sight, but no zombies either. Jinsoul hobbled inside on shaky legs and Jungeun shut the door behind them.

The police station was small, since it wasn't the main headquarters, and it seemed all of the officers had left. That wasn't surprising, they must've been called out when the infection started to take over. The building felt like a relic, everything from before the world was turned upside down.

Jungeun continued inside, seeing a small jail cell and some cupboards, and then a locked closet. Jinsoul was right behind her and knocked into her when she wasn't looking where she was going.

"Are we going to sleep?" Jinsoul asked, exhaustion evident in her voice. Jungeun softened.

"Yes we are, I'll get you some blankets," Jungeun squeezed her arm. "If we sleep in the cell, we can close it. Then nothing can get us. Does that sound good?"

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