Episode VIII: All That Matters

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episode 8: All That Matters

episode rating: R

episode run time: 30 min

previously, on Heart Beating For You: Things start to go wrong within the group, and safety begins to feel more like a dream than a goal. The group is hit with the loss of a member and unexpected visitors.

episode synopsis: The group adjusts to the loss of one member and the addition of three, but while they focus on each other, far more sinister things are lurking for them. Two things about the apocalypse? No one is innocent, and no one survives without blood on their hands.


The couple of days that followed were quiet and the group seemed to be stagnant, unsure of direction. Haseul had escaped into herself far more than before, barely speaking more than a few sentences if she could help it. Yeojin and Yerim seemed to have something haunting behind their eyes, and the day of the fight was the last day Jungeun saw them play on the field. For the best, she thought.

Jinsoul wasn't herself, but Jungeun thought that was only appropriate given what had happened. She was quieter, spending less time with the group and more time sitting up in the hayloft, watching the field. Jungeun had been unsure if her presence was wanted, if Jinsoul wanted space to mourn a girl who'd so much to her. She grieved for Sooyoung too, but with no jealously she could admit that it was different for Jinsoul. Jungeun was afraid Jinsoul would blame herself for it all, and start pushing Jungeun away in some attempt at protecting her heart.

But Jinsoul was wonderful through it all, because that's who she was.

"Jungie..." Jinsoul had whispered when Jiwoo had fallen asleep and Jungeun was tucked in with her girlfriend. The crickets and the wind howling through the barn were the only sounds in the otherwise quiet and misty night. Her voice was strained and she sounded like she'd been crying. Jungeun sat up a little and looked at her in concern. Jinsoul had been facing away from her, having turned over in her sleep a few minutes ago, Jungeun assumed, but then she realized the trembling she'd felt wasn't from a dream.

"I'm right here, Soul," Jungeun promised her, running a hand down Jinsoul's arm. Jinsoul swallowed and didn't meet her eyes. "It's all okay, we're safe. Try and sleep,"

"I..." Jinsoul's voice broke. "I wanted..."


Jinsoul shifted until Jungeun had her hands supporting herself on either side of Jinsoul's head. The older girl looked hesitant, eyes wavering from Jungeun's face and her lip trembling.

"Can you kiss me?" She whispered.

Jungeun felt her heart melt at the sincerity and hopefulness in her eyes. She placed her palm on Jinsoul's jaw and brought their lips together. Jungeun heard Jinsoul's sigh of relief and her mouth felt warm against Jungeun's. She was getting better at matching Jinsoul's delicacy as she felt Jinsoul lean into her just a bit more. Jinsoul wasn't fighting Jungeun's control and instead relaxed into her arms as Jungeun memorized the feeling of their mouths together. It wasn't as overwhelming as it had been, yet it made Jungeun feel on top of the world.

Her kisses moved to Jinsoul's jaw and then a final peck on her temple, before Jinsoul was burying herself in Jungeun's arms and slowing her breathing. Jungeun ran her fingers through Jinsoul's hair and let the older girl cry until she'd worn herself out.

"It'll get better," Jungeun told her quietly.

"Stay with me," Jinsoul whispered, hands tightening on the fabric of Jungeun's shirt.

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