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Yoongi understand everything that the doctor is telling him about how to take care of Yejin and the baby. The doctor asks him the name of the baby. He tells her the name that he and Yejin decided when they got to know the gender of the baby.

Yoongi- Min Ryu

The doctor writes the name in the birth certificate and shows him a glimpse of his baby boy. A tear escapes his eye as he sees his wife and baby lying in a web of wires and drips. The nurse carries the baby ventilator outside of Yejin's room to shift him to the NICU. Everyone's eyes were numb looking at the baby's critical condition. Jimin and Crystal were feeling very guilty. They were thinking that it was their fault which actually wasn't.


Today morning, Yejin regained her consciousness

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Today morning, Yejin regained her consciousness. The moment she woke up, she saw Yoongi and he hugged her. Her hand automatically traveled to her belly. She frowned and panicked looking at her flat belly. She immediately looked at Suga with numb eyes and asked him about their baby.

Suga- Babe, our baby is premature and weak. They have to keep him in the hospital for some time until he recovers. 

Yejin- Name!!! You gave him that one only na!!!

Suga- Yes, his name is...

suga and Yejin together- Min Ryu.

Suga- Rn, we are not allowed near him. But we have to visit him everyday.

Suga informs everyone that Yejin is awake. Blackpink already met her and left. BTS members also met her and left after congratulating her. Only Jimin and Crystal stayed.

Jimin- Yejin-ah...we wanted to say something to you...

Yejin- What happened shorty???

Jimin- Because of us, you and Ryu had to suffer so much. We are very sorry.

Crystal- Yejin, why did you take the bullets for me? Why did you not ignore Stacy's words?

Yejin- I was not able to. I knew that somewhere, I am responsible for all this....

Suga- Babe, what happened?

Crystal tells him everything that happened after they were kidnapped. She told him that Henry was Denry's brother, how he was Yejin's ex, how he tried to rape her and almost ripped her dress and killed her baby.

Yejin looked down while a tear escaped her eye. The 3 of them consoled her and told her that it was not her fault. And that some things are meant to be done. They can't change it. 

Now, Yejin wanted to recover ASAP. She wanted to see her little angel.


It is never your fault. Things always happen according to the demand of the situation.


I hope you like it and do not copy my work. Also do not forget to follow, comment, vote for my work. Stay tuned for the next part.

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