Chapter 16 ~Free?~

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Lucas's pov

I was sitting in bed with Ash who was out of little space. He surprised me with breakfast this morning and my heart just went into overdrive. His smile when I said it was really good melted my heart.

It was mid morning almost noon but not quiet yet. The sun was shining, no clouds in the sky. I was warm with a nice cool breeze. It was the perfect day.

At least I thought.

All of a sudden Ryan comes rushing in my room. His hairs a mess and he's sweating and panting.

"Woah calm down man...what's going on?" I ask sitting up.

"He's gone."

My eyes widen knowing who he's talking about. I look at Ash who's looking up at me, head tilted and eyes wide with curiosity. I can't tell him.

"Ash love... why don't you go see Mama and ask her to teach u how to make some brownies yeah?" I nudge him a bit.

He looks unsure but nods his head and walks out giving me a kiss on the cheek. Once he's gone I mind link my mom to let her know.

I turn to Ryan.


"I went down to drop off the food and the door was open. The guards were passed out with what look like sleeping gas. I'm guessing it was an ambush on just the cellar to get him." He explained.

To say I was furious was nothing. The man who tortured my baby was now out running freely. And to make matters worse we don't know where he is, what he's planning, and when he will be back. And I know he will be back.

I run my hand through my hair while pacing. I look at Ryan and growl.

"Get my dad. Tell him and the warriors to meet in the meeting room in 20."

Ryan nods and runs off.

I walk into the bathroom and splash water on my face. I can't be mad in front of Ash. I'm not bringing bad memories back to him.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Ash siting on the counter licking a spatula. I sigh and walk over to him.

He smiles when he sees me and offers the spatula.

"W-want some?" He asks.

I smile and nod as he holds it up to me. And damn. It was amazing.

15 minutes later Ryan comes back down with my mom.

"Everyone's set." He tells me.

I nod and tell him I'll be right there.

"I have to go to a meeting. I'll be back as soon as I can love." I say as I kiss his head.

He nods at me with a small frown.

"I can't wait to try your brownies when I get back. So make them real good!" I smile.

With that I walk upstairs and open the double doors to the meeting room. Ryan and my dad are standing at the end and the other warriors are around the table. I walk over to to the end as well and take my spot.

"Alright. Let's get down to business."

Sorry for the late update. School just started back, and my grandpa passed 2  weeks ago so I've been out of town. It's been hectic. I do hope u all enjoy the chapter tho!
~Mikeala~ ❤️

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