Chapter 6 ~Baby boy~

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Lucas pov

I stood outside the house holding Ash in my arms. He was sucking on my shirt while I gently rocked him. I was still shocked. My mate was a little. I mean based on where he came from I could see why. But I was so happy. The moon goddess really does match people well.

My thoughts were cut off from a small whine. I look down at my baby. His eyes were filled with unshed tears and his lower lip trembled.

"Shshsh what's wrong baby" I asked in a soft tone

All I got in return was a string of babbles and whines. Based off his speech I would say he was definitely less then 1 right now. Would he age up at any time? We would have to find out.

All of a sudden he started to cry. Heads turned our way looking at my crying baby as I rocked and tried to soothe him.

"Ok baby, it's ok. I know it's a lot to handle. Daddy's here for you my little pup." I gently whispered in his ear.

I held a hand on the back of his head as he cried and gently pushed him into my neck. He then latched onto my neck and started sucking. Though that didn't stop his cries. He was still sniffling and I could feel some tears still falling onto my neck.

Soon enough though he started to calm back down. My dad then walked over with a light smile on his face.

"So he's a little?" He asked.

"Yeah, younger then 1. At least right now." I told him.

His smile grew bigger at the news. He gently walked up to Ash and put his hand on his back and rubbed soothing circles. With this he seemed to fall asleep as the sucking on my neck halted and was replaced with soft breathing.
Time skip to Lucas's house

I laid in bed with Ash curled on my chest. He had a yellow pacifier with a small duck on it which I had given him, in his mouth. Along with a soft blue blanket in his clutches.

The former alpha of his pack was locked in our pack cells to be questioned later. He was going to pay for what he did to my mate. He would most likely be executed along with his beta and anyone else involved with the abuse and neglect.

My thoughts were cut off by babbling. I looked down and saw Ash opening his eyes.

"Hey baby boy. Had a good sleep?" I asked softly

In return I got another string of incoherent babbles and some giggles. It was like music to my ears. I sat us up making sure to keep one hand on his back for support.

When we had gotten home I put him to bed. He was tired and half asleep. But now he called for a bath. I contacted my mom using the family link and asked her to wash my sheets and then went into my bathroom.

I set ash on the floor while I turned on the water. I tested the temperature then added some bubbles. While the bathtub was filling up I knelt down by Ash.

"Hey baby, you want some toys for your bath?" I asked

Ash stared at my with his head turned like a confused puppy.

"Toy? Ashie get toy?" He asked.

His question broke my heart. He seemed to have aged up to around 1now.

"Of course you get toys pup. Why don't you pick a couple." I told him while grabbing the bin of toys from the cabinet.

I checked on the water while he picked his toys. Once I deemed the water high enough I shut it off. I turned back to my pup and saw him holding a small yellow rubber duck.

"You can pick more baby. You want more?" I asked.

"Ashie wan wellow ducky. Ducky quack" he said.

I smiled and ruffled his hair. I could tell he was scared so I let it be. I gently undressed him and placed him in the water. He panicked a bit at first but I was able to calm him down.

Once he was set in the tub he placed his duck in the water and watched it float like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

After a bit of playing and small giggles leaving his mouth when I would squeeze the duck making it quack I started to wash his hair. His messy hair soon became a beautiful white while the water started becoming muddy and brown.

I then quickly washed his body making sure to not linger. I then drained the tub and took him out. I dried him then dressed him in a diaper and a blue onesie with a sail boat on the chest.

After he was all changed I brought him downstairs to get a bottle. I set him on the counter and got to work.

I poured the milk into a bottle and added some vanilla and a small spoon of sugar. I then added the top and shook the bottle to mix everything. I popped the bottle in the microwave.

Once it was done I tested the temperature then picked Ash back up. I sat down in the living room and cradled him in my arms. I gently took out his pacifier which earned a whine in return. I gently nudged his lips with the bottle and he soon accepted it. He calmly sucked on the bottle while staring at me with his innocent blue eyes. I held the bottle for him but his small hands held the side. Though I knew if I let go it would fall.

Once he finished his bottle I placed it on the side table and burped him. I turned on a show and watched him become mesmerized by Bubble Guppies. I smiled down at him in my lap. He was going to be ok now.

My baby boy was safe.

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