Chapter 11 ~Bubbles~

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Lucas POV

It's been a week sense I met Mark. He was sentenced to death but it won't happen for another 2 weeks. We have to prepare for it.

I'm currently sitting on my bed with little Ash sitting on my lap. He was holding a crinkle stuffed cat. After a bit more talking we decided that rules were going to come later. He's well behaved as it is. But I think most of it is fear. After trust is built rules can be made too.

Ash looked up at me from my lap with his adorable blue eyes. He smiled and started babbling incoherent words. I learned he usual doesn't go in a headspace above 1. But I find it adorable. I don't have much stuff because I've been waiting for my mate so I was planning on going shopping with him sometime tomorrow.

For now though I need to get him ready for bed. But first things first, he needs a bath. I stand up and carry him in my hip. I make my way to the bathroom and set him on the toilet. He whines a bit from being set down but once I hold his hand he settles. I turn on the water to the right temperature and close the drain.

"Want some bubbles baby boy?" I ask him.


I smile at him and grab the bubbles from under the sink, along with 2 rubber ducks. I pour in some bubble mix and they start to form. Ash sees this and squeals. He tries to reach for them but I hold him still.

"In a sec baby. I got to get you undressed" I told him. He just whines in response.

I laugh a little while undressing him. I gently set him in the tub and he splashes around happily.

I remember the first bath I gave him. I was horrified. He had bruises and scars all over his tiny body. It just made me angrier than I already was. But he's been healing well. Eating a bit more too, when we found him he was really just skin and bones.

My thoughts are cut off when I get splashed. I look down at Ash to see he's giggling while looking at me. I a grin comes onto my face.

"Wha do you think your doing little mister?" I ask razing a brow half laughing.

He starts to giggle even more.

It's time for the big guns.

I bring my hands up. Test my fingers. And attack.

The bathroom is soon filled with laughter from Ash while the poor floor gets soaked, as I continue my tickle attack on Ash.

After we both calm down I wash his hair and body. I then bring him back to my room and lay him on the bed with a towel. I finish drying him off and get the stuff I need for his bed time. I mind link Ryan asking him to bring me a warm bottle of milk.

I then powder and diaper up Ash then zip up an adorable bear onesie on him. It was a bit big but it made him look even cuter. I took out his pacifier and gently nudged his mouth. He opened and sucked on it lazily. We settle in bed again with him in my arms on my lap and my back against the headboard.

After a few minutes I hear a knock at the door. Ryan comes in and hands me the bottle while cooing at how adorable Ash looks.

I settle Ash and hold the bottle for him. Half way through the bottle he starts to fall asleep so I rock him a bit while humming a nursery rhyme my mom used to sing to me.

He falls asleep so I gently take the bottle out and replace it for the his pacifier. I lean over and turn off the lights and scoot under the covers with Ash still on top of me.
I gently lay his head on my chest and smile as he snuggles into me.

With that I fall asleep with my little pup in my arms.

FINALLY POSTED! Sorry for the super late update! Things have been hectic. But I'm here with a new fluffy cute chapter! I hope you enjoy!!

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