Chapter 9: New World

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"Elsa?" Jack whispered.

"Yeah?" I mumbled still staring in horror where Hans has left.

"Did you know anything about this?"

I shook my head. "No.."

Jack was still holding me in his arms flying. He rescued me before Hans could hurt me with his powers.. Powers?? Hans?? Fire?? But I don't understand.. How?

"Hey." He whispered again. "You need to rest."

I nodded.

Jack flew me to my balcony of my room but before he could put me down I placed my hand on his chest.

"Wait." I whispered. "Thank you for saving me.."

Jack smiled. "Anytime, snowflake."

"But that's not why I stopped you now." I took a deep breath. "I need to show you something..."

I whispered in Jack's ear, his eyes widened then nodded. He flew from my balcony, clutching me in his arms and flew to the destination I told him.

He put me down gently on the ground. "Where are we?"

We were standing in front of a cave on the side of Arrendelle, under a hill. The water lapped on the beach turning the white sand dark gray. The wind blew harsh down there because it was so close to the sea. I realized that its been a while since I was down here. The last time I was... Well let's not go on about that.

"A place that I never knew about before." I murmured.

Jack made a bright snowball as light. "Well come on, you said you were gonna show me something."

I nodded. We walked together side by side in the cave of darkness, the only light available was Jack's snowball.

I felt like we were walking for hours until I felt a cold draft hit my face.

"We're here." I breathed.

Jack looked around. "Where is here?"

I rubbed my hands against the wall trying to find a light switch.

"Here." I muttered and pulled on a metal chord. Light beamed in the cave as fast as lightning and I was able to find my bearings.

We happened to walk into a small room surrounded by stone walls. The light came from a metal shaft in the ceiling. In front of me and Jack stood an enormous object which was covered in cloth.

I inhaled. "There it is."

"There was is?" Jack asked confused. "If you brought me here to stare at a cloth covered object the whole time then I'm outa here."


Jack stopped walking away and went back to stand beside me.

I walked up cautiously to the object, grabbed hold a piece of the cloth and pulled as hard as I could.

Suddenly something sprang to life.

I gasped taking a step back, still holding an end to the cloth. I threw it on the ground and stared at the object.

It wasn't like this the last time I came here.. I thought it was dead..

"Elsa?" Jack said shocked as I was. "What is that?"

I shook my head. "I don't know.. Its like some sort of portal I found when I first became Queen. I was roaming around Arrendelle when I came across the cave.. And eventually I found this."

The "portal" spiraled before us making weird magical noises.

"I wonder where it leads." I murmered half to myself.

Jack grabbed my hand. "Then let's find out."

He started walking towards it.

"Wait!" I stopped. "We don't know what's out there..."

Jack smiled at me. "Don't worry, if your worried something might hurt you I'm gonna be here to protect, hey its my job as your guardian."

"But what about Anna.. And the kingdom?"

"I'm sure Anna will be able to watch over Arrendelle for a while."

I wasn't convinced but took a deep breath. Okay Elsa, we have to know what this portal is.. And where it leads...

I sighed. "Okay let's go."

We walked hand in hand towards the portal, not knowing what's at the other end. My breath came into rapid gasps and I urged myself to calm down. Finally when we were right in front of my the portal Jack jumped forward and I was pulled in.

Then the whole world turned black.

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