Chapter 8: Complications

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I stared at the book.

The tale of Jack Frost


I blinked. "Hmm?"

"You have this book?" Jack asked again.

"Oh yeah." I flipped through the pages. Dust flew out and I coughed again. "My mother used to read it to me when I was little."


"It was one of my favorites." I murmered. "It was the tale of a boy who flew around the world making large snow storms. Until he found what he was truly capable of and where his destiny lies..."

"Sounds boring."

I rolled my eyes. "To you."

"I mean." Jack grabbed the book and flipped to one of the chapters. "This is totally not me, listen to this one dialogue I say, 'Hails and snowstorms are my power, watch me fly upon this tower.'"

I burst out laughing.

"What?" Jack asked annoyed.

"Nothing." I giggled. "Its just you know this book isn't really based off of you."

"What do you mean?"

I grabbed the book back. "What I mean is, that the author probably doesn't even know theres a  real Jack Frost. They could've made this Jack up, not  knowing the real one doesn't even act this way."

"But how are they supposed to know me if they don't believe in me?"

"Well-" I stopped. How are they supposed to believe?

Jack sighed. "Told you."

I felt a pang of sadness overcame me. All those years.. No one can see Jack? It must be really lonely.. I know I felt like that when I was isolated.

"Hello? Earth to Elsa!" Jack waved his hands in front of my face.


"You okay?" He smirked.

"Uh yeah." I cleared my throat. "Anyways I have to go deliver these letters now."

I got up and and walked towards the door until I suddenly felt Jack grab my wrist and pull me close to him.

"You be careful okay?" He whispered. His chin resting on my forehead. I could feel his breath inhale and exhale as he talked.

I blushed not knowing what to say, I nodded.

He released his grip and smiled at me. He then flew out the window which was still open. I stared outside wondering where he's gone and when he'll come back. I shook my head, grabbed the letters from my desk and walked out of my study.


"You highness." The duke of Greenlington bowed. "Good to see you again."

"And as to you as well." I smiled.

Tonight was the ball and a lot of guests have already arrived. I saw a lot of familiar faces through the crowd and as usual when someone arrives they first walk up time and bow. Perks of being a Queen, huh? Haha..

It was a chilly night, the ballroom was snowing which I created and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was no sign of Hans which was good because I didn't invite him and never will. Unless he hitched a ride with someone else...

"Elsa!" Anna exclaimed interrupting my thoughts.

I giggled. "Yes Anna?"

"Oh good!" She gave me a tight hug. "I thought you were gonna have that frown plastered in your face the whole night!"

I laughed. "Frown? Was I frowning?"

"Yes you were that's why when I spotted you I wanted to know if you were okay." Anna's eyes widened. "You are okay right?"

I smiled at my sister. "Yes Anna I'm okay, I just have a lot of things on my mind right now."

Suddenly a delicious smell drifted towards my nose making my mouth water.

"What is that amazing smell?"

Me and Anna both sniffed the air.

"Chocolate!" We both giggled.

Anna sighed. "Mmm I'm gonna go get me some chocolate!"

I laughed as I watched my sister skipped away towards the sweet scent.

5 minutes have passed and I got bored just sitting on my throne, so I got up and exited the room towards the balcony that over looked the sea. A cool breeze hit my face and I smiled feeling the cold shivers.

I wonder when Jack is coming back..

Suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Hans walking towards me.

"H-Hans??" I was shocked.

"Greeting your Majesty." He bowed sarcastically.

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

"Don't you remember? You invited me." He smirked.

Okay hell no, only Jack can smirk at me like that. Making your mouth smile only makes you more of a fool.

"I did not."

"Oh you didn't? Well looks like I have been mistaken." He sneered.

"Leave immediately, or I'll call my guards." I warned.

"And if that doesn't work?" He stepped closer to me. "What next? You'll use your ice powers against me?"

I growled. I felt my hands forming small icicles under the balcony. Keep it together, Elsa. He's only trying to provoke you.

"Aw does that make you mad?" He smiled evilly and took another step until his face was close to mine. His foul breath reeked of asshole.

Elsa! Don't curse! Your a Queen!

"What's the matter Elsa?" Hans whispered. I suddenly felt heat radiate from his body. I looked down at his hands and gasped. They were on fire!!

"Oh you see what I can do now?" He smirked. His hand rose up and was about to touch my face until I felt someone scoop me up until we were flying in the air.

I screamed and punched whoever in the face.

"Ow! Elsa its okay calm down!"

I opened my eyes and saw Jack.

"I'm so sorry!"

He laughed. "Its fine let's get out of her."

I agreed.

Suddenly a fire ball shot in front of us.

"What the??" Jack turned around.

My eyes widened as I saw Hans, his hand full with flames.

"You can run Elsa! But someday I will take over this kingdom!" With his last words he jumped over the balcony and into the sea. He rose above the splashes waters and swam away.

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