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One year later

Jungkook disembarked running down the dock to where Tae's boat was moored and waiting for him.

It wasn't long before Tae appeared on deck shouting goodbyes to his crewmates and coming to meet him.

They kept their hug brief given where they were but Jungkook was very glad to see Tae again.

It had been a long four weeks.

"Jimin's up on the pier," he told Tae.

"Yeah, I saw his message,"

"Race you!"

They took off,running through the thin crowd of people dodging left and right.

Jungkook came to a stop at the top of the dock, Tae at his side a moment later both of them breathing hard as they looked around for Jimin.

"There he is," Tae said pointing.

"With my mom."

They jogged toward them as Jimin let go of the stroller he was pushing to smile and wave.

Bam barked a greeting and tried to escape from his leash.

Jungkook reached Jimin first, pulling him into a hug and kissing him soundly.

The omega melted into his embrace.

"I missed you," jimin said.

"Missed you, too," Jungkook told him giving him a gentle push toward Tae and petting Bam.

While Tae and Jimin hugged and kissed, Jungkook turned his full attention to the kids, all three boys doing their best to break free from the stroller.

"I thought I'd better come with him." Tae's mom said.

"He has his hands full with these three and Bam."

"It's good to see you, Mom," Tae greeted giving her a kiss on the cheek while Jungkook greeted each of his sons in turn.

"I can't believe how much they have grown."

It had only been a month but the difference was remarkable.

"Both Kai and Simon have just about got the hang of walking,"

Jimin told them. "Jungmin is still lagging a little bit behind"

"But he's started pulling himself up on furniture, so I'd say it won't be too long before he follows suit."

It was Tae's turn to say hello as the babies babbled greetings at them.

Jungkook freed Kai from the stroller lifting him into his arms while Tae did the same with Jungmin, pushing the stroller with his other hand.

Jimin took Simon, the little omega cuddling against him suddenly shy.

"We really missed you," Jimin said.

"Well,we won't be going away again for a while," Jungkook assured him as they started toward the car park.

It was then that Jungkook noticed Tae's mom watching Jimin expectantly.

"Show them," she said giving Jimin a little nudge.

"Show us what?" Tae asked, slowing to a stop.

Jimin bit his lip and reached into the pocket at the back of the stroller, pulling out a letter.

"It came this morning," he told them.

"From hybe University's admissions office."

"What does it say?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin gave a shy shrug. "I have not opened it yet."

"I was too nervous."

"Then open it now," Taehyung encouraged with a laugh.

The omega's fingers shook as he tore open the envelope, pulling out a single piece of paper.

Jungkook tried to remember if that was a good or a bad thing.

"What does it say?" he asked as Jimin scanned the page silently.

"Um... it says that my scores on the admissions tests were some of the highest and they were very impressed with my admissions essay."

His eyes went wide, and he looked up at them.

" they're offering me a place, starting next semester."

Tae held his hand out for the letter and Jimin passed it over.

"Congratulations Baby" he said pulling his mate into a hug and pressing a kiss to his lips.

Taehyung gave a long, low whistle. "Advanced mathematics and theoretical physics, huh?"

"No goat herding?"Tae teased hugging Jimin from behind.

"Maybe I can take it as an elective," Jimin said brightly before his smile faded and he looked torn.

"But I don't know if I can accept the place, I mean."

"There's the kids and you two being on deployment..."

"We talked about this when you applied," jungkook chided gently.

"We'll be on land nine months of the year, restricted to short term deployments only the rest of the time."

"We can make this work."

"But if you need or want more time at home with the kids, you can defer for a year and go then"

"Or look at attending part-time."

"College isn't going any where, not for you."

Jimin was too smart to be stuck at home if that wasn't what he wanted.

"Alpha is right," Tae said.

"We can make this work for us, whatever we have to do."

Jimin nodded slowly, the smile returning to his face.

"I got in," he said with a laugh.

"Never doubted it for a moment," Tae said.

"You deserve it," Jungkook added.

"You'll be one of the first omegas to attend college in hybe in thirty years."

"You'll inspire our kids and omegas across the whole of the kingdom."

"Yeah no pressure," Tae joked elbowing Jungkook.

"I just mean... I'm proud of you."

"Me, too," Tae said.

"I'm proud of me too." Jimin said softly.

"And of the two of you and everything we've done together."

"Especially these little guys." Jimin hugged Simon close.

They started toward the car again talking excitedly about the future.

Jungkook fell behind a step, Kai babbling happily in his ear as he took a moment to look at his family, to really take it all in.

How lucky he was.

how far they'd come.

how much they had to look forward to.

"Alpha?" Tae called back. "You with us?"

"Right behind you," he called out setting off after them.

And to think he'd believed his courtship contest had signaled the end.

Now he could see his life was just beginning.

THE END......

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