Chapter 23

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I was so angry and hot with rage.

Why was Ore so annoying?? I wasn't one bit surprised at Darling for supporting Ore. I just hated the fact that it was over something as ridiculous as dance.

Who did dance help?

I knew from the moment Ore said he had somewhere to show us that it would never end well. I couldn't just stand there and watch everything unfold without voicing my thoughts even once. I ignored all thoughts of Darling killing me when I gave Ore a piece of my mind.

I walked away from the dance scene the moment Darling left my side to join Ore to dance. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care at the time and... Now I was lost.

I left them with the belief that I would be able to find the lecture room on my own. Worse still, I didn't want to ask people for directions for fear of meeting another version of Ore again.

I looked around in confusion. There were no students in this part of the school. Who sent me to just keep walking with no direction like an idiot??

The quiet and deserted surrounding was starting to scare me. There were some classes with broken windows and doors. The floor was also filled with dried leaves from the trees around the environment. It was weird, this part of the school looked abandoned for some reason.

I looked around in fear, wanting to go back the same way I came. I turned back in the opposite direction, about to walk away from the spooky environment.

" Grace! What are you doing here?" A voice yelled suddenly from behind me.

I yelped and jump in fear of what was in store for me after turning around.  I turned around slowly, now wondering why the voice sounded so familiar.

I shrieked in surprise.

What was Demola doing here?

I stared back at him with wide open eyes, speechless.

" what are you doing here? " He asked, with a bored expression.

I frowned my face and raised my brows. What did he mean by that?

I was the one supposed to be asking him that question. I looked away from his face now noticing that he looked very different from the way he was always dressed at home. He was dressed in a fitting black suit with black tie to match.

" Excuse me? I should be the one asking you that question. In case you forgot, this is my school remember?? What are you even doing here?? Does Aunty Toyin even know you are here?" I asked in reply, still frowning and getting annoyed at the question.

What was with me and even running into Demola at weird places?

He stared at me with a blank calculating gaze, looking clearly unfazed by my question.

" You shouldn't be here. How did you get in here?" He asked instead, totally ignoring my previous questions.

He walked closer to me, putting his hands into his front trouser pocket without a care in the world and stared back at me, probably awaiting my reply.

" I... I... I got lost trying to get to class." I stammered, feeling suddenly intimidated by his stares.

" What of Darling? Where is she? " He asked again, raising his brows, in what seemed like confusion to me , his stares intimidating me despite his confused expression.

I stared back in panic, unsure of what to say. What was I supposed to say? That,  I left Darling's side out of  my anger and frustration??

"Oh, I don't know. I was only trying to find my way to class." I lied, smoothly, trying hard to keep my expression neutral so I don't sell out my self for lying.

He for some reason I didn't quite understand , smiled at my reply.

"You are already very late to class. Your lecture was supposed to end by 12 but this is already past ten and I doubt you'd find somewhere to sit." He replied with seriousness in his voice.

I frowned my face even more. This was all ore's fault!! Why was something always in my way of attending class??

" What do you na want me to do??" I asked in irritation.

" Let's go home, I'll take you home. Darling can always come back in her car."  He replied, calmly, looking totally unfazed by my behaviour.

As much as I hated my surroundings. I felt even weirder leaving with Demola. I didn't want to admit it but the version of Demola I was seeing was kind of scary, considering how different he was from home.

"Okay, no problem" I replied in finality, knowing It was better than walking around aimlessly.






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