Chapter 2

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It felt like three hours that I had been sitting on the very uncomfortable sitting room couch, doing nothing but hold my small bag and wait for aunty Toyin.

I sighed.

It was funny how my previous excitement, had calm down.

"Pom! Pom!" A loud car horn blared from outside, making me light up with excitement again.

A horn like that could only mean one thing. Aunty Toyin was finally here!!

I knew it had to be her, because , we rarely ever got visitors who drove.

What was I saying?

What I meant to say is... We only ever had visitors once in a blue moon. And when was a Blue Moon ever sighted? That's right.... Never!!

I sighed, again, debating if to inform my mum of Aunty Toyin's arrival.


I shook my head. It wasn't my fault my mum left the sitting room to her and my Dad's room.

I decided I was not going to tell her first.

I carried my small bag, opened the hideous front door and ran outside in a speed that would make Barry Allen, the speedster, a learner. I was sure I could have been taken for a possessed human due to the manner and speed which I ran in.

I did a quick scan of the environment with my eyes.

I didn't even have to look far or takes much time because, I could already see a red car entering the compound. Its bright colour made it stand out of the surroundings. In fact , it looked too beautiful to be parked in my house It was good that the space of our ugly house had been finally put to good use of parking aunty Toyin's fine car.

I strained my neck and stood on my toes, trying to get a glimpse of her car's interior.

As hard as I strained and eyes, I really couldn't see her car interior well. All I could see perfectly were her face and upper body.

I stared at her, wondering how this rich, beautiful woman was related to my mum. I never met her in person, but had only spoken to her sometimes on phone. Maybe once or twice.

She had a resemblance to my mum, but only, the fresh and more beautiful version of my mum. First things first, Aunty Toyin was light skinned and my mum was dark skinned. While Aunty Toyin's skin glowed, my mum's own did the exact opposite by not glowing.

She looked even cooler wearing a fancy sun shades while the air conditioner did a good job at making her long silky-looking hair, look like it was flying.

But... There was no sun in her car so why was she even on sun shades?

Could she even see well with the sun shades?

I continued to analyse her and the car, as she drove even more into the compound.

If she was playing music before, I didn't notice,but the volume of her car suddenly went up. In fact, at this point, I could bet on the entire street being able to hear the song.

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