Chapter 44

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i open my eyes slowly , the room was dark , my hands were still tied up but not to the bed anymore they were infront of me , my throat hurt , my eyes hurt from crying , everything hurt ! i turn around to find that son of a bitch sleeping next to me and the memories of last night came to my mind and tears fall down my eyes ....he raped me .....twice ! the fucker !!

i couldn't move i was sore , so i just lay there with tears runing down my cheek


me and the boys been driving for about an hour ....we are going to save her !! yesterday Jason found some paper and found out where they are , Ed and Paul were behind us and some of Paul's men were following us too !

i can't wait to see her !! to hold her ! i hope she's okay ..


i was looking at the ceiling with the fucking pig snoring  beside me , suddenly i hear a little noise coming from the door , i keep looking at it , until it crack open a little and Jason's head show , OMG i never been more happy to see him , he gesture me to keep quit and i nod , he walk in very slowly and come closer to me , he get down on his knees beside the bed and whisper in my ear

him : follow me but you have to be very quit

i shake my head and get close to his ear and whisper back

me : my hands are ties up and naked

he nod his head then he take off his shirt and slip it on my head very slowly then he take off the cover and pull it down then he pick me up carfully and we walk out of the room .

as soon as we step out he put me down and untie me , i jump on his and hug me

me : thank you so so much Jason

him : it's okay , now listen to me we need to hide ! the boys are on their way !

me : really ??

him : yes i called them they'll be here soon

i nod and he take my hand and start leading the way , i was so happy !! the boys are coming for me !!

as we step into the first floor i tug on his arm

me : can we go to my room ?

him : why ?

me : i need to put some clothes on !

he look at my body then say

him : yeah your right or Styles will kill me if he find you like this !!

that caused me to laugh ! just the thought that i am going to see Harry soon make me happy !

we walk into my room

him : you need to be quick ! James will be up any minute

i nod and take some clothes , underwear and shoes and put them on in the bathroom .

as soon as we walk out of my room we hear James's voice yelling


Jason took my hand and we run to the music room , he close the door , he then open the window that opend on the parking lot

him : okay we are going to get out from the window , me and Ed agreed to meet in the parking lot

i nod and he step out of the window and jump , i look out to see him on his feet ! fuck it's a long way from here to the ground

him : jump don't worry i'll catch you !

i look behind me for a minute there 's sound of footsteps coming closer ! i take a deep breath , close my eyes and jump .

when i open them i am in Jason 's arms , he was laughing

him : see that wasn't that bad !!

me : yeah right !

he put me down

him : come on let's hide here until they come !!


we were getting closer ! at least that's what the GPS say .

after a few minutes a big house start to come into view ! i smile and say

me : okay boys just like we planed ! Ed and Zayn you go to the parking lot to find Jason and Bella , Louis and Niall you go from the back in case the fucker tried to run , and the rest of us will go from the front .

they all nod

me : and boys .....if any of you catch that basterd leave him ....he's mine .


we were sitting behind a big black car , then suddenly we hear a voice saying

...... : Jason ?? Bella ?

it was Ed ! we get out from behind the car to find Z-Zayn and Ed i run to Zayn and he catch me we hug each other tightly i start crying

Zayn : shhh it's okay your okay ! your fine !

after few minutes he put me down and i hug Ed

me :thank you so much

he nod and all of us start to walk out

me : wait ...where are the others

Zayn : they're inside

me : what ??? no we need to get them

Ed : come on Bella !! we need to get you safe

me : no !! you don't know James !! he's dangerous !!!

Zayn : Bella ...please they can take care of themselfs .

i give up and we walk to the car . as we get in we hear the sound of gunshots OMG !!! my heart is beating so fast !! Dad is in there , Niall , Louis , Liam .....Harry ! i can't just stay here , i open the door and run inside , i hear the boys calling my name but i don't care i need to find them ....

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