Chapter 31

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i look up to find Harry awake

me : OMG ! Harry your awake !!

i jump up and hug him

him : wohhh ! easy there !!

me : oh am sorry .

he give me a little smile , he was in pain you can tell , he even was talking hard

him : c-can you bring me some water ?

me : yeah i'll be back in a minute .


as Bella went out of the room , i start looking around !! this isn't out hotel room !! where the fuck are we ?!! shit !! .

i was thinking about everything that happend when Bella came in with a glass of water , followed by ED !

me : i-is this your place man ?

ED : yeah ! am glab your awake mate .

i give him a little smile and i try to sit up to drink but i felt a sharp pain , and Bella must saw it case she push me back down

her : lay down i'll help you .

he help me drink then she sit on the bed next to me , then i saw the machine that i was attatched to , i was confused

Bella : y-you lost a lot of blood ! that's why you passed out ! and i-i didn't know anyone here ! so i called ED !

she smiled although she had tears all over her face

me : they didn't chase you or something ?

she looked at ED for a second then she said

her : just two cars chased us on our way here !

ED : mate ! your girl can drive alright !!

she chuckle and wipe her tears, after that ED left and were alone , i wipe away a tears from her cheek and she take a deep breath

her : i-i was so scard that y-you .....

and she broke down crying , i pull her to me and she put her head on my shoulder

me : shhhh , don't worry everything is gonna be okay !! plus you are not gonna get rid of me this easy !

i feel her laugh against me , and i start brushing her hair off her face but then i feel .... a bandage on her forehead , i lift her head

me : what happend ??

her : i hit my head in the car

me : how ??

me : when the cars were after us , one of them hit my car and i hit my head , don't worry am fine it's nothing .

i nod and she lay back down

her : am so glad you woke up .

i kiss her hair , and then i remember what she told just before i pass out " i love you Harry " ! how could she love me !! no one can love someone like me !! i wonder if she meant it ! i look down at her , she had her eyes closed , should i tell her that i heard her or no !!!? nahh , she had enough problems already !! .


i wonder did he hurd me when i said i loved him !! GOD i hope not !! i mean i don't know if i really love him or no ! i don't even know why i said that !! plus i don't even know if he feel the same way or not !!

i take a deep breath and stand up

Harry : where are you going ?

me: am gonna go and make something to eat !

him : no ! i don't want to , i need you to stay with me

i laugh

me : oh you big babe ! i want to stay too , but you need to eat i won't be long .

he nod , and i start walking out the room when he say

Harry : hey ! by the way your ass look so good in thoes shorts

i laugh and walk out , i was wearing a pair of shorts and a long t-shirt that Ed gave me .

i walk to the kitchen and start to make something for s to eat , then sddenly i hear my phone ringing but i don't know where it is !! i start walking arond the house looking for ir , and when i pass infront of Harry's room he call for me

Harry : hey ! your phone is here

i walk inside to see my phone on top of the bag , i took it , it was that number again !! okay i had enough of this shit !! i pick up

him : Bella don't hung up !!

me : listen to me who ever the fuck are you !! i had enough with this ! you send me tickets to come here ! am here what the fuck do you want ftom me !!

him : i want to help you Bella !!

me : well you are not !! Harry almost died because of me ...because i listend to you !!!

i took a deep breath and a couple of tears came down

me: a-are you my Dad or not ?

him : am not your Dad Bella ! but i know him and i am helping you to meet him !

me : you know what !! ever since i knew that he was alive i dreamd about meeting him again ...about huging him again , but ...i am not gonna fight for this anymore ! if he wanted to meet me he would've came , but i-i ....keep putting everyone around me in danger because of him ...

him : okay just ....give me 3 hours ! i'll call you in 3 hours to tell you where you are gonna meet your Dad !!

after that the ligne went dead , i turn around to find Harry looking at me with wide eyes !

Harry : Bella ..don't give up !! you came so far !! you can't quit now !!

i sit next to him on the bed and look down

me : i-i am tierd Harry ...... i spend my whole life fighting ! i just want to start over , settle down somewhere and just start over !

Harry : but what about all the questions you had !! you said you wanted to know the truth !!

me : sometimes ....maybe it's better if i don't knwo the truth Harry , some things are meant to stay a mystery !

i get up and start going back to the kitchen

Harry : what are you so afraid of ?

i stop and turn a little to him

me : t-that i don't like what i will find ...

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