Chapter 27

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After that we sat in silent , i was just looking at him with tears in my eys , this poor guy !  i always thought he's a dick like every other racer ! that he don't fall in love or feel anything ! but i turn out to be wrong , and infront of me is a very broken man who is trying to keep it together , i move closer to him and wrap my arms around him and he lean into me and put his head on my shoulder

me : am so so sorry i-i didn't know or i wouldn't have brought it up

him : it's okay , it's not your fault

me : i wish i could say that i know how you feel , but i know the feeling of losing someone you love !

Harry : no you don't Bella , no one can understand how i feel .

he stand up and start pacing the room while pulling on his hair

Harry : no one can ever understand what am feeling inside i-i ......

me : you feel like you have a hole inside ! an ampty hole , that you would do anything to fill it up again ! you feel like that hole is the reason for your demons , for the darkness inside of you , that each day that hole is getting biger and biger , and the darkness is taking over you day by day ...

i look up at him to find him looking at me with tears in his eyes , he walk to me and get down on his knees then take my hands and say

Harry : y-you feel it yoo ?

i nod and a tear roll down my cheek , he wipe it away and smile 

Harry : shhh , it's okay we are in this together ! i understand what your feeling i-i feeling it too .

i smile and hug him , he wrap his arms around me and kiss my head .

i pull away , only to have him crashing his lips to mine , i wrap my arms his neck and kiss him back , he push me on the couch and he get on top of me , he kiss my neck and a moan escape my lips, i grab his hair and tug a little and he he groan , i wrap my legs around his waist , as he pull my hips to him i could feel his hard dick ! he start to pull my shirt over my head when suddenly my phone start to ring . we pull away from the kiss and look at each other for a minute then the phone go off we laugh and kiss again , but just few seconds later it start ringing again , Harry groan and we pull away , i laugh and go to my phone

Harry : is he fucking kiding me !!! now is not the time for you phone to ring .

i laugh and pick up

me : hello ?

..... : Bella ?  listen to me you are not safe in that hotel!!

me : are you fucking kiding with me ?? can't you bring good news for one fucking time !

..... : i......

suddenly Harry took the phone from my hand


i took the phone from Bella's hand , i need to talk to this dude !!

me : who are you ??

him : B...., Harry ?? listen to me you guys are not safe there !!

me : listen thanx for the airport , but i can take care of it here !!

him : listen , any time now a ....

me : don't worry ! i chosed a good hotel ! no mother fucker can know that we  are here !

him : Styles !!! any time there will be someone at your door !! it's a trap h...

i hung up before he can finish

Bella : what did he want !!!

me : nothing , don't worry about it !!

she nod and i went to the balcony the get some fresh air .

as i watch the beautiful city i hear a nock on the door , i turn around to see Bella making her way to open it

me : Bella !! wait !! see who is it ?!

Bella : who is it ?

....... : it's room service Miss Anderson !

she start  to open the door , when i thought !!! how the hell did they know her last name ! i booked with a fake name so that no one know we are here !!

me : noooo ! Bellla !!! don't !!

i start to run  to her but it was too late then everything happen to fast ..

Bella open the door to reveal a man with a gun , her eyes widen when he point it at her , then in matter of seconds am infront of her , then BOOOM !!!! i look at Bella , i thought she got shot !! but she was screaming my name while wraping her arms around me , i look down to see my t-shirt coverd with blood ! but it didn't matter i push her away into the room and turn to the man , he was till pointing his gun so with a quick move i hit him and the gun felt to the floor , but as i took it he was already out !! .

i turn to Bella to find her crying her eyes out

Bella : OMG !!!Harry ! y-your shot !!!!!

i pull up my t-shirt

me : no ! i didn't go through ! it just scratched me !!

Bella : b-but your losing a lot of blood !!!!

then suddenly everything start spining ! the next moment am on the floor in Bella's hand ! and i start to feel dizzy ! but before i pass out i hear her say !!

Bella : no !no ! Harry , don't close your eyes ! you can't leave me too !!! your all i have left !!!! i-i ....i love you !! don't leave me !!

then everything went black ...

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