Then the two of them headed back up to the wheelhouse to talk.

He knew from the expression on Tae's face that he wasn't going to like what he heard.

"The blood pressure alone is concerning but pair that with his other symptoms..."

"I think we're in over our heads He's carrying at least two babies"

"He needs medical attention"

"Proper,trained,medical help."

There was no arguing with what Taehyung was saying.

"I'll call Kai."

"See what our options are."

Either they found another country on whose mercy they could throw themselves or they risked traveling back to home.

"We need to act fast Kook."

"He could go down quickly."

"How far are we from land?"

"Hybe's still the nearest."

"At full speed we're not even two days away."

"The next closest is three days and that's a small island with probably only a clinic."

"We'd still have to travel on by plane to a proper hospital."

"You call Kai, I'll set course for Hybe."


"This is our mate we're talking about."

"Our babies."

"I'm not taking chances."

"If Kai comes up with a better plan, then great."

"If he doesn't, we haven't lost any time."

While tae went to the wheel house, he grabbed the sat phone dialing Kai's number.

His brother answered on the fifth ring,sounding concerned.

"Kook, are you in trouble? There's been no word of you being pursued by the navy."

"It's not that," he told him.

"Jimin's sick."

"His blood pressure is high and getting higher."

"We need to get him to a doctor."

Kai was silent for a moment.

When he spoke, his tone was decisive.

"Come to my house."

"I'll make sure there's a doctor waiting for you."

"If we come to you, we'll drag you even deeper into this."

"I'm already in this up to my neck," Kai said with a huff.

"And you're short on choices."

"Dad doesn't have the slightest suspicion I'm helping you."

"News of Jimin's condition came from a concerned third party."

"Dad doesn't think I know a single thing about where you are or what's happened."

It was hard to believe but if it was true Kai's house could be a safe haven, for a while at least.

"We'll be there by tomorrow night It's probably best we approach the coast under the cover of darkness."

"We'll be waiting."

"Oh and Kook?"


"I didn't want to tell you before I was certain but I've gotten a positive response from one of the countries I approached on your behalf about asylum."

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