Sometimes, Jimin took over instead.

They'd taught him a lot of the things he needed to know to sail and navigate a boat safely.

But they didn't like to leave him alone on deck when it was dark or before the sun had fully risen.

After three days of throwing up thoroughly unimpressed with his own body, he complained to Tae when the alpha caught him sagging over the railing one morning, pale and listless.

"It's so stupid."

"We were on the boat longer last time and I never got sea sick Not even once."

"It's like I've forgotten all that."

Taehyung was staring at him in confusion.

"You're sea sick?" the alpha asked.


"Maybe it was the food."

"Did you eat anything different to me and Jungkook?"

"No, exactly the same."

He started to feel uneasy with the concern on Tae's face.

"It's only the past few days."

"And only once or twice, in the mornings."

"I'm sure it'll stop soon."

"Yeah,"Tae agreed slowly, still looking at him like Jimin was a puzzle he couldn't quite work out.

"Come below deck with me for a minute, will you?"

Confused, he followed the alpha down the stairs.

"But you're supposed to be on watch."

"Jungkook went back to bed."

"It'll just take a second," Tae said softly, wandering into the second cabin where their bags were kept.

He reached for the bag with the medical supplies, rummaging through it and taking a little plastic card out of a box.

"Do me a favor, okay?"

"Take this test."

He handed the plastic card to Jimin who took it, staring from it to Tae in object confusion.

"I have to take a test?"


"What's wrong with me?"

"It's a pregnancy test."

"But I'm not pregnant."

"I'm just seasick."

"Maybe you are and maybe you're not."

"Just take the test and see."

"There's instructions on the back."

Taehyung shooed him toward the bathroom. "I'll be up on deck."

"Come up and join me when you're ready."

Standing in the bathroom framed by the harsh lights of the mirror, Jimin read the tiny writing printed on the back of the test.

He had to pee on the test.

Why on earth would he have to... oh.

Once he figured out the whys, he had to work out the hows in the cramped bathroom.

But soon enough he was washing his hands, keeping half an eye on the little magic plastic square that according to the instructions could predict the future.

Anxious, he carried it up on deck and joined Tae in the wheelhouse.

"It says to wait five minutes,'" he told the alpha.

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