216: Itachi of the Sharingan

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Her legs swayed, eyes parted apart slightly to see Itachi looking down at her, before everything went blank.


"Hey, you idiotic fox!! Why didn't you help me!" Naruto yelled aloud at her. All around him his teammates were knocked out while that Uchiha descendant was standing a few feet in front of him. This was a Genjutsu, one which Naruto had tried breaking out from, but failed. So, he was yelling at her. "You would get me killed like this!"

["Silence!!!"] She yelled majestically from within his head. ["You didn't keep your promise, why would I help you still!?"]

Naruto grumbled, pointing at the air. "What do you mean I didn't keep my promise?? I went to the Onsen just to find this myself a 'mate', that you speak of! Just that, I realised I don't want anyone other than Sakura as my wife! And to win Sakura-chan over, I first need to find Sasuke!"

["Gaaah, you idiot!!"] Kurama facepalmed in sheer frustration. ["If you bring Sasuke back, why would she still choose you?? Ugh, even that Minato wasn't this dense!"]

"Hey, why do you keep bringing up that 4th Hokage every time I do something wrong?"

Just how dumb was this child? Guess this was what being fatherless did to a human child.

["Just connect the dots, dumbass."] Kurama grunted in his head again, before going silent. In the end, she sighed. ["You are helpless. Why don't you just pick a girlfriend then? A girlfriend is different from a wife, but you'd at the same time complete your promise with me. How about that Hinata girl? From what I remember, she's had a crush on you."]

"What?! No way! Stop lying!" the boy seemed to be in utter disbelief. "And even then, I don't see Hinata like that! She doesn't even have any charm!" Naruto complained, utterly serious.

["...You... seriously. Haah."]

"Rather than that, why are you interested in me finding a mate anyway? You are a girl yourself, what pleasure will you get from seeing me 'mate' with another girl? I would understand if you wanted a male 'mate', though obviously in that case we would have never had a deal, to begin with." Naruto asked, collapsing on his back since he had no other choice but to wait.

Kurama obviously didn't want to answer. But after a while, she decided to share her secret, in case it made him accept her offer. Though if he made fun of her, she will never help him again. ["I simply don't find human males attractive. Same went for females, until a few centuries ago. You see, amongst the three Jinjurikis I have been sealed within in my life, the first two were both female. So over time, I started to have an attraction towards the humane female body, though maybe calling it "attraction" might be a bit too sweet of a word. It was mostly just my rage making me want to do all sorts of things to my hosts, such as tying her up, torturing her, and ruining her body while making her call me 'mommy' with a mind-broken expression."]

Naruto had a jaw-dropped expression for a whole two minute before he pointed a finger in the air. "Y-You are sick in the head!!" Naruto said aloud. "You really are a demon fox, aren't you?!"

["You brat! Call me that one more time and see what I do!"]

"Try it, you idiot fox!"

Kurama was about to bite back, however she noticed the presence of Neji Hyuga's team, without the presence of Neji himself, in the real world. After a second she clicked her tongue and decided to break the Genjutsu.

When the Genjutsu world shattered like glass, the idiot blonde yelling her a surprised thank you, Kurama was more busy looking at the Hyuga boy who had appeared on the battlefield. His teammates were helping the injured team Kakashi, while he stood face to face with the Uchiha descendant.

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