chp8:More mistery

Start bij het begin

Cecilia:< so you telling me that I can make any race from scratch ?>


Fry:< Now now vatz you do not need to be so mad at cecilia I mean look we both know that she like childrens>

Vatz:< UGGGHHT !!!! FINE !!>

Ginnungagap:< Well that just happen>

Cecilia:< Hehehe sorry .....>

Elding: < It's ok>


Timeskip Next Day

3rd Pov
We currently can see ais and bell are both fighting cecilia at the same time while she is currently parry or dodging their attack with ease despite ais being level 5.

Cecilia: Bell don't waste your energy with unnessesery movement that can waste your energy. [ Dodge ais strike and counter her with a blunt side of white flower at her side. ]

Ais: UGGHT [ Fly 3 meaters away from cecilia. ] ( she is strong !! )

Cecilia: Ais don't let your emotion get the best of you when you cannot land a hit. [ Block bell low straick near her stomach and do a quick low hit at his foot making him fall. ]

Bell: AAHHH!!

Cecilia: Bell do not let your self to low your guard even if your enemy is bussy attacking your ally even when they are distracting for you.

Bell: o-ok mother.

Cecilia: [smile] ok how about a quick break bell ais ?

Ais: That would be good Cecilia-san.

Cecilia:[smile] no need formalities ais just call me Cecilia

Ais: ok then.

Cecilia: well bell I can see that you are getting good at your foot work.

Bell: Thank you mother.

Cecilia: An ais I can see that your Swordsmanship is really good.

Ais: Thank you. [Blush a little bit] (she is so strong I wonder will I be able to be as strong like her ?]

Ais: Em..... Cecilia what level are you?

Cecilia: Well I'm currently level 2 is their something wrong ?


Ais Pov
Today was quit a suprise if I do say so my selft with bell because the plaice that he is living had change that look like a mansion that is at least a few time smaller then our familia mansion.

Then came out a woman name cecilia that is bell mother figure. She invite me in and ask me a question why I came which I tell her the reason and she also offer her self to train the both of us while giving advise.

She is good at teaching if ahead to say the way that she move with her spear her foot work to could make the captain look like a child, we were on an open field at the canter of it.

So far and the most shocking thing is that she is currently level 2 just a few days ago.

Ais: How did you get so strong Cecilia?

Cecilia: Well......that is a secret that you should try to guest it ais.[ Smile motherly.]

Ais: Ok then

Bell: Well today training is really good.

We were sitting silently at a table without any disturbance. It was soon peaceful and it make me feal at east when I heard the door been open, I turn my head around to then see five girls that I had never seen before.

Reincarnate As Cecilia?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu