'What do I do?' I rolled on my back and pinched the bridge of my nose. My head beginning to hurt and my eyes began to sting due to the lack of sleep, but I don't want to sleep.

'There's only one thing you can do.' He said quietly. There's no explanation need. I know exactly what he means. Call mum and see what she thinks I should or what she can do and make the situation.

'Your right. I'll call mum in a minute. Thanks bro.'

'You know dad's gunna kick your ass if you call at this time in the morning.' Trust Kade to state the obvious. But really what is dad going to do? I'm thousands of miles away from him and I highly doubt he's going to fly over here and have a shouting match with me. I highly doubt that. The most he can do is take a couple hundred out of my allowance or lecture me for hours over the phone.

'What's he going to do?' I questioned with an attitude.

'Jess, I wouldn't piss dad off. He'll only wait until you get home.' He said growling at me. Dad doesn't scare me. Cora scares me more more than he does.

'I'll be fine. Beside I think the whole Eden is more important.'

'Okay, call me later with what happens and what mum says. But PLEASE wait until the sunrises.' He says in a whisper-shout. I'm guessing he's back in his room with Beth. I heard an odd noise on the other end, almost like someone grabbing the phone off Kade.

'Jesse, I love you and Eden and all,' Beth's voice was sweet and calm 'BUT WAIT UNTIL THE SUN IS UP BEFORE YOU CALL AGAIN.' She yelled and then hung up. I'm guessing mum will be up now seen as Beth just yelled as loud as her lungs would let her.

I began to dial Mums and she picked up immediately.

'Hello, Elizabeth Bolton speaking. Who's calling?' Mum answered, she sounded a little tired but she sounded more awake. Crap I guess I called her work phone.

'Mum?' I greeted her and I heard her sigh.

'Jesse? What's up? What's wrong hunny?' Mum sounded worried, alert.

'I need your advice on a... sensitive topic.' I really don't wan to say it, but I have to if I want mums advice. Various scenario's run through my head of how she'll react.

Anger, worry, sadness. There is loads of possibilities.

'What topic do you have in mind?' Her voice soft and gentle.

'Mum, promise you won't freak out and everything?' I say, there's no answer. I can see her in her office now – the only place she keeps her work phone. Leant forward on her chair and eyebrows raised, getting angry and worried about what I'm about to say. She's not speaking but I know what she'd say. 'I'm not making any promises.' The only people she makes promises to is Dad and Teddy. 'You see.. The thing is... The problem is...Maybe I'm over reacting but...' I kept starting sentence but not finishing them.

'Jesse? Come on you can talk to me baby?' I took a big sigh and put on my big boy pants.

'Well, yesterday, me and Eden were video calling Beth and Kade at there scan-' I started telling the story

'Yes I know that, is it about what Daphne said or is there something else?' I really don't want to say it.

'YeahwellthethingisEden-' Said in one breath with no space's between.

My life as a Bolton BoyWhere stories live. Discover now