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Ok Hey, People im so sorry i havent updated, Thts because i was wamped in homework literally but anyways im trying a new writing style 3rd PoV tell me if ypu liked it(Also when people say things its gonna be the same)

3rd PoV

Val : Rise and Shine

Everyone except the Stoll's : Up!

Val : Uhuh

Val : *Whispering * Stolls...

Everyone exxept the stolls : smt wrong?

Val : Just wait

Val Picked a bucket, everyone assumed it was water like last tine except of course frank, hazel, and katie. Instead of water it's ice surely the Stolls would wake up. Hence Val Dropped the bucket and a portal opened leading to  the Stolls Cabin and... They woke up screaming (Sorry if OOC)

The Stolls groaned and they looked up and saw a bunch of their friends snickering or laughing, except Katie of course.

Val's PoV (Ik Ik i said i'd use #3rd pov but it's quiet hard for me)

I was laughing immensely, i was down on my knees. The Stolls well Growled at me (Again sorry if OOC)

I stopped laughing when they went away, i thought they were coming here from their cabin, oh boy how wrong i was. when they finally returned they had a ladder in hand and climbed up the ladder through the portal. Uh oh I'm dead, Instead they threw water balloons.

~5 minutes later~

Fucking Hades 

*undead skeletons appear*

Oh well i'm dead

Val : Sorry H

the undead skeltons disappeared

Conner : You call Lo-

Travis : -Rd Hades H?

Val : no time to explain come on

I was walking to the stadium as they followed me this time i did this because the new comers (Frank Hazel the stolls and Katie) doesn't know how to do this so...

Val : Faster up Demigods

When i said that they actually fastered up including The Stolls

As we Arrived at the stadium

Val : Take your seats, you can choose any seat-

The Stolls : Any?

Val : As i was Saying You can chose any seat that ar-

The Stolls : Are?

I took deep breaths

Val : As i was Saying Again You can chose any seat that are not Occupied

The new comers ( Again Frank, Hazel, the stolls, and Katie) : ok

Travis sat next to Katie, Frank sat next to Reyna, Hazel Sat next to Nico, Conner Sat next to Percy. (Ps Frank and Hazel is sitting next to each other)

Val : Ok and Start

The picture Played

A blinding light Appeared and I know who exactly is it

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A blinding light Appeared and I know who exactly is it

Aphrodite : So Cuuuute

Piper : Mom?

Aphrodite : ...

Val : Awkward anyways next

Val : Awkward anyways next

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Travis : ... How did you-

Katie :... Get this?

Val : ... I'm not revealing anything-

Aphrodite : *Squeals*

Katie sighed

Katie : You got it from Aphrodite didn't you

Val : I'm Not Answering...

Travis : I-

Val : Ne-

Invisible Apollo : Hephaestus stop Touching My Hot Skin

Invisible Hephaestus : Sorry Apollo Ares is pushy

Invisible Ares : Hey!

Val : Ok turn Visible guys..

They all turned Visible

Val : ...

Conner : Holy Hade-

Hades : Stop cursing with my name please

Conner : ok Sorry Lord Hades

Hades : ....

Conner : Anyways Holy Frick the whole olympian council is here including Lord Hades and Lady Hestia

The Gods : ...

Val : Uhmmm Let's do 1 more Tratie Fanart then we'll end it

Demigods and gods : K

Aphrodite and Piper : *squeals*

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Aphrodite and Piper : *squeals*

Conner : I Approve

Hermes : Me too

Demeter : Well I don't

Hermes : You What-

Demeter : I Don't

Hermes : Fight Me Cereal Lady

Demeter throws a handful of grain

Hermes ; To be completely honest i expected more

Val : Gib me Popcorn 'Pollo

Apollo : On it

Demeter : I sacreficed a handful of nutricious grain

Athena : True but It's not much

Demeter :...

Hermes : ...

Demeter : Fine I approve-

Hermes : Yes!!!

Demeter : If the Hermes Children Stop being Idiots

Travis : Ok- Wait what

se Well Hello People Sorry This was Posted late, Anyways The end was inspired by a Writer so it's not mine so credits to the writer, please don't say That I stole Things I was just Inspired by It

Anyways Adios

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