Demigods fan art

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Val's PoV

Val : Rise and shine~

Everyone: *jolts up, remembering what happened last time* I'm awake... I'm awake...

Val :...

Val: Good

Val: anyways we're changing the god

Apollo: bye demigods and Val

Everyone : bye

Val : Bye 'Pollo

Apollo flashed out

Val : alright inviting the new god

I texted the new goddess you people may know her as Athena and yes this was so I can annoy Annabeth, can't wait to see the look on her face. I pulled out my phone and texted Athena. (imagine monster proof phone k?) 

In text (A is for Athena and V is for Val)

V : Thena?

A: yes Val

V:well I need you to stay with the demigods 

A : which?

V: mostly all

A : including annabeth?

V:including annabeth

A : I'll try but I'll get ready first

V: k

A: *Ok

And the text ended. Two minutes later Athena flashed in an- I tried to contain my laughter but it was nearly impossible as Annabeth groaned but I mostly looked at her face, her face. I laughed outloud a bit, her face was so priceless

Val : thanks thena

Athena : your welcome

Val : well before annabeth kills anyone let's start

Val : well before annabeth kills anyone let's start

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Nico and Thalia :*sniffs*

Leo : wait who's this

Val : whoops wrong thing sorry guys

Percy : *sniffs* wait a second is pincone face crying?

Thalia : shut up Percy 

Annabeth : ... 

Annabeth: Why?

Val : prob because The hunters thing, and Bianca was a new hunter and all-

Thalia : shut up

Val : what about a no for an answer

Thalia: ...

Percy: Why are u so quiet thals?

Thalia: Am I suppose to plan a murder outloud?


Thalia: Exactly

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