How we got here...

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Percy's PoV
It was an average Tuesday for us, well for us demigods, fighting some monsters, training, etc. Oh yeah As I was saying, it was an average Tuesday, me and Annabeth was going on a date. But not just with ourselves, we were going with, Thalia and Reyna (Theyna), Calypso and Leo (Caleo), Will and Nico (Solangelo), Jason and Piper (Jiper/Jasper), And finally Frank and Hazel (Frazel).

Me and Annebeth already made plans on where to go, we already told the group as well. It wasn't any fancy restaurant or anything. It was just a simple grassy plain, it had a wonderful view as well. We all sat up on the hill, it was kind of like a group picnic but like not a group picnic, I don't know how to explain.

We sat down and enjoyed the food, chatted with each other than Boom💥💥💥, an explosion happened then we were sent to some mysterious place, it was dark until someone turned on a light.

???: Hey...

Jason: AHH!

Thalia: Who the f#ck are you??

Nico: Calm down damn it Jason, it's not like they'll kill us

Jason: But they kidnapped us!

Reyna: Shut it both of you

3rd PoV

Reyna took notice of the person and immediately recognised them, or should I say her.

???: This them is right here

Percy: Oh right... OH RIGHT!

Reyna: Thalia, don't you-

Thalia: What?

What will happen next?

Sorry it's so short I swear I'll make next chapter better

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