Chapter 97: Naruto's Plea For Hinata

Start from the beginning

"Sweetheart, that's ridiculous..."

"Hinata's ridiculous..."

"Sweetheart, all it sounds like is that you're jealous."

"Baby, don't make me mad."

"Oh sweetie," Naruto turned Nia to face him and cupped her face, kissing her forehead. "There's no reason for you to feel such a way."

Nia pouted.

"You're literally so beautiful, Nia," The blond said. "Even if you claim Hinata's this ultra perfect being that you have no idea how I never noticed her, I still think you're the most amazing, gorgeous woman I've ever gotten to know."

"Naruto..." Nia blushed.

"I'm serious, sweetheart," Naruto embraced the girl. "You're the only woman for me."

"Oh baby..." Nia smiled against his chest.

"And besides... why would I choose any woman over the mother of my children? Absolutely not!"

"Oh Naruto..."

"I mean look how big your belly's gotten, sweetie!" Naruto grabbed Nia's large stomach. "You look ready to pop out our baby girls."

"The babies are so close to being born."

"I just can't wait! Ugh! It's killing me!"

"Oh baby..."

"But seriously, sweetheart, there's no reason for you to feel threatened over Hinata," Naruto told the girl.

"My answer is still the same. I don't want you talking to her," Nia said.

Naruto sighed.

"Don't sigh at me like that, Naruto," Nia frowned. "You should be grateful I even allowed you to be friends with even Sakura after the shit I went through to get you to notice me and get you to get over that girl. If I had it my way, I wouldn't want you being friends with her either. Not after the way she tried to steal you away from me when we went to the land of snow and she declared her fake ass feelings for you."

"I understand you were upset about that... I was, too, but you and I both know that she only did that in the hopes I'd stop chasing after Sasuke."

"I don't care. Whether it was fake or not, she knew damn well you have a pregnant girlfriend that you're in a serious relationship with. What the hell was she expecting for her confession to do? Get you to be with her? Hell nah."


"On top of that, ever since the war ended, all these girls suddenly started throwing themselves at you, trying to get you to be with them!"

"And I rejected every single one of them," Naruto replied.

"Naruto, I'm just so fed up with these women trying to take you away from me! It's enough to drive me crazy! They're all thots!"

"Sweetie, don't say that..."

"Naruto, I want us to end up together. I want us to get married! I want us to grow a family! I want US to be TOGETHER! NOT THEM!"

"Oh sweetie..."

"It hurts me when I see other women trying to flirt with you or give you gifts! It hurts when I see them hollering at you or smiling at you seductively while we're out and about. It's absolutely disrespectful!"

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