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As the phone was hung up by Arjun, Karun went to the corridor where Sarvesh passed by him in the lobby. He came to the basement of the hospital where his car was parked. He made a call to Aftab.

Aftab picked up a call while he was with Mack who was driving the SUV.

Sarvesh asked, " Hey, Aftab, did you find the girl? "

" Not yet. We are driving along the expressway to find about her whereabouts. "

" Where is Mack? "

" He's driving. "

Mack snatched phone from Aftab and talked to Sarvesh.

He said, " Chandra, your men aren't trustworthy. Arsh was killed by her. Your men could not even track down a single girl. "

" Mack. Aftab will lead you to the girl. Believe him. "

" I am still hoping for the best. "

He gave the phone back to Aftab who talked with him.

Aftab said, " I am talking? "

" Is he listening? "

" No. "

" Why didn't you tell me Arsh was killed? "

Aftab sighed and kept silent.

Sarvesh asked, " I am asking something, Aftab. "

He sighed, " Yeah... Actually, I was about to tell you about him. "

" Can you find the girl? "

" I am trying my best. "

" I am looking for an affirmation. Shall I count on you? "

" Yes. "

" If you can't find the girl, either he'll kill you or I'll kill you. "

Aftab nodded his head.

" I understand. "

" This is not a warning, this is truth. "

Sarvesh hung up the phone. He drove his car out of the basement.

Jayant searched Navya's house which he was unable to do it earlier because of her presence. He searched her cupboard, found a small old box at the lower shelf. He took the box out and kept on the table.

He opened the box and found two wedding rings, a greeting card, and an album. He opened the album which had photographs of Ira and Atharva as newlyweds. The album had photos of them as well as Ira's mother.

Arjun sat before a female psychiatrist Dr. Leena. She was in her mid thirties.

She asked him, " For how long do you sleep at night? "

He sighed, " Four hours. "

" Four hours? "

" Hardly. "

" What about your daytime? "

" I have to be on field during the daytime. "

" Four hours sleep isn't enough for a normal person. You must make your time for sleep for at least six hours. "

" I can't spend a quarter of my day sleeping. "

" Your lack of sleep is deteriorating your memory condition. "

He looked outside the glass wall where there was a small green lawn.

She asked him, " Can you hear me? "

He looked at her.

" I want pills. "

" I can't recommend you the pills everytime. "

Powder And Corruption (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now