I rolled my eyes and took a seat at a table. Brie flocked to me almost immediately, quickly joined by Austin's girlfriend Andrea. "Hi." Brie grinned, handing me a drink. I opened my mouth to protest, but she was already talking. "It's non-alcoholic, don't worry. And I made sure Dan had food that was safe."

"Thank you, Brie." I smiled at my friend.

"We marked yours with an umbrella so you can't lose it." Andrea smiled and sat on the arm of my chair, her eyes flickering to my stomach. "Does he know?"

"No, Andrea, you know that." Brie huffed.

When I first moved to Florida I was really nervous I wouldn't have friends. At college I had my girls, but they were all currently living in New York. Back in California at Ronnie's house I had Andy and Juliet and all of Falling In Reverse. But here I was really only close with Cody and I worried I'd be friendless. I'd been wrong. Maxx quickly introduced me to Brie and we became best friends. I think she was mostly relieved to have some girl company, especially since we lived in the same building.

Austin had introduced us to Andrea eight months ago. She was a childhood friend of his who had moved back to Florida. Brie and I soon decided it was our personal mission to get the two together. They were now going six months strong and I hadn't seen Austin this happy with a girlfriend before.

 "I really do appreciate it. There's never anything non-alcoholic at these parties." I told the girls.

"I mixed it back at our apartment and brought it." Brie shrugged, also handing me a small gift bag. "And we know it's early, but we saw this and just...couldn't pass it up." Andrea giggled and pushed it closer to me.

I raised an eyebrow, cautiously opening the bag. "Oh my god." I laughed seeing the little onsie with music notes all over it. "It's beautiful."

Brie beamed proudly.

"Oh, Cody's coming back." Andrea warned and I quickly stashed it away. "I'll let you guys talk then." She winked at me and went to join Austin. Brie scurried after her towards Maxx.

Cody frowned "Uh, do Brie and Andrea know what it is you have to tell me?"

"Apparently everyone knows." I shook my head "It was just Austin and Maxx." Cody's confusion grew even more and he sat down in front of me. "I think this will explain..." I pushed the silver box towards him. My heart threatened to beat right out of my chest.

All eyes turned to Cody as he unwrapped the paper and lifted the lid. "What..." He pulled out the teal pacifier. I'd chosen the color to match his band's symbol. He then also took out the positive pregnancy test and looked up at me. "You're pregnant?" he said quietly.

I swallowed hard. "I'm sorry." I found myself whispering.

Cody got up and for a terrifying second I thought he was going to walk out, but instead he knelt in front of me. "Why are you sorry? This is amazing." He murmured, kissing my stomach. He pulled me into his arms. "We're going to be parents."

"You're not mad?" I whimpered, clinging to him tightly.

"Al, I told you I wanted kids." Cody laughed, kissing me happily, tears in his eyes. "This...this is amazing. You're pregnant!" He kissed me again.

"But...the timing's off and we-"

"Hey, we'll work through all that." Cody wiped at my tears and I wiped away his. "We're going to do this. Alright?"

"Alright." I smiled weakly, letting him wrap me in another tight hug.

"She's pregnant! I'm going to be a dad!" Cody shouted out to our friends, the laughter rumbling in his chest.

"We know!" His band responded, coming over to congratulate us anyways.

"When do we tell fans?" Cody asked that night as we were curled up in bed.

"After he's born?" I joked, kissing him before he could complain. "I'm teasing. Let's tell them second trimester. Risk of miscarriage goes down then and I'll be showing, so we can put out a photo."

Cody nuzzled his head into my neck. "You think it's a boy?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"No, she's a girl." Cody decided "And she's going to be as beautiful as her mother." He rubbed my back "We need to get you a doctor's appointment." He sat up suddenly.

"Friday at 10am." I pulled him back down. "I set it up while I was with Ronnie. I checked with Maxx that nothing Set It Off wise was happening."

"Friday." Cody echoed, wrapping his arms around me. "I love you so much, Alyssa."

"Good, I love you too, now sleep. I'm tired." I laughed, closing my eyes. I was just drifting off when Cody spoke again.

"Can I tell my mom? And my sister...we need a crib..."

"CODY!" I hit him with a pillow. "We have time. I'm only eight weeks. Sleep."

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