The door slowly swung open. It stayed open, wide open for a while. I was ready to peak my head out but retreaded when Kieran's loud steps entered the bathroom. He stared ahead with a blank face until his eyes looked directly to where I was. As if he knew where I would be. Still with a blank face.

    He closed the door behind him and walked towards the bath, reaching down to turn the water on until it was to his liking and fixating himself. He left the water running. Kieran turned his head.

    "Take your clothes off,".

    My eyes widened.

   Not once had Kieran ever tried to touch me or force me to do anything no matter how furious he was but he is. The tears I didn't have in me began to fill the brim of my eyes as I brought my legs to my chest.

    "Relax, I'm not going to do anything," He assured me, nonchalantly.

    His words did little to zero to help me relax. Kieran removed his suit jacket while I wasn't looking and had been staring at me for a while. I locked my fear filled eyes with his dominant ones.

    "Are you going to listen or am I going to have to make you listen?" He asked, deadpanned, with a raised eyebrow.


    "You what?" He irritatedly repeated.

    I pursed my lips. Hurry up and answer.

    "I can't move...," I barely said, looking at the floor.

    Kieran sighed and I could feel his eyes roll. He walked over, making my heart race and breath hitch instantly. I balled my fists and focused on the marble floor like my life depended on it.

    Kieran knelt down and didn't wait to begin taking my clothes off. He reached for my shirt, yanking it up.

    "Put your arms up," He ordered.

    I weakly lifted my arms and he ripped it right off, my chest exposed. He pulled my legs away from my chest and slid the shorts down. I bit down on my lip to keep myself from letting out a cry. He tossed the clothes to the side and moved closer but stopped.

    Kieran snatched my face in his hands, "Don't bite your lip,".

    I released my lip in less than a second at his dangerous warning.

    Kieran stared at me only for a bit longer before scooping my legs in his arms and holding me steadily by the back, lifting me in his arms. I held onto his shoulder tightly as I kept myself from wincing out. He slowly lowered me down until the warm water covered my body; soothing all pain roaming inside me. My eyes fluttered but went right back to Kieran.

    He rolled up his sleeves and pulled his slacks up before squatting down and pouring water on my hair. I kept my eyes on him the whole time, on his dry and emotionless expression. Not a single thought in his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him.

    What's wrong with him? Why does he look so empty?

    A rather uncomfortable and familiar pain throbbed inside of my chest. A pain I've experienced only when I saw how distressed Kieran could get. When he turned sour and cold because of his own head and I didn't know how to help.

    The deeper in thought I would get, the more my head would slowly move away. My eyebrows furrowed. Why would I feel that way? I shouldn't have any sympathy for him, he's fucking crazy. I closed my eyes. But...

    Water rolling down my face suddenly brought my attention back not only to Kieran but to the situation entirely. First of all, something must've happened for Kieran to act out so randomly. Second of all, I was lying in the bathtub almost naked.
    I pulled my legs to my chest and held my body close. God this is embarrassing, you're disgusting Suriah.
    I'd pick anything but to be in this situation. Fuck.

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