Chapter 16: Safe At Home

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Leaving only a hole in the wall where the goblin had flew into.

Tony looks back to where Peter would be on the ground to find him gone.

Fear crawls up Tony's spine.

Panic invades the two adults and the three teens who quickly run out of the cell and meet Tony and Rhodey who is running to the hole right next to the cell.

"UNDEROOS!!" Tony screams, jumping through the hole and quickly making his way to kids side.

Because he just hurt him.

He blasted him through a damn wall!

"Tony that wasn't your fault" Rhodey is quick to assure.

"The hell it was Rhodes. Fri, run scans and vitals" Tony demands.

"Peter is suffering through malnourishment, blood loss, electric shocks, water in lungs, thermoregulation, fractured ribs, a severe concussion and is fatigue due to limited sleep. He also has a metal implant on the back of his neck as the same as his friends. I have sent all information to the medbay. I suggest medical attention very soon and keep him warm until you get back to the tower" Friday answers, voice sounding panicked.

"We found the kids. It's not looking so good but we're heading back to the jet right now" Rhodey tells the others before looking at Tony. "We have to go now."

Tony doesn't say anything but nods his head. He carefully lifts Peter up into his arms with everyone standing up around him before they head off to the jet.


Tony's suit dissolves right as he enters the jet, making sure to keep Peter close.

"Fri, turn up heats to maximum. Belova, toss me all those blankets. Romanoff, Barton and Vision, check out the other kids. Maximoff, get the kids whatever they need. Barnes and Wilson, do something useful. Rogers, get the jet going and don't crash it like you did in the old ages. Rhodes, help me with Pete will ya?" Tony commands everyone as they automatically do so.

"Here put him on the table so he can lay down. The table heats up and will help" Rhodey suggests.

But when Tony goes to lower Peter down, he finds out that Peter is stuck to his shirt.

"Uhhh no can do Honeybear" Tony states.

"Why?" Rhodey questions.

"He's stuck to my shirt" Tony explains.

"Just sit down on the chairs and keep him close to not rip your shirt off. Here are the blankets" Yelena says setting the blankets on the jet seats.

"You guys cold too?" Nat asks the three teens.

"Just give all the blankets to Peter" Mj assures.

"We need you guys to keep warm as well" Clint reminds them.

"But Peter will go into hibernation just like a real spider!" Ned argues.

"He can what?" Tony asks from where he is now sitting with Peter still stuck onto him and blankets draped all over the boy.

"You know, like when spiders get too cold they can't thermoregulate so they are forced into hibernation" Flash answers.

"Shit we didn't even think about that!" Clint gasps.

"It has come to my calculations that they are correct and if Peter does go into hibernation, it will set up his brain for a coma and there is no telling when he wakes up even when he gets warm enough" Vision adds.

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