Chapter One Hundred & One

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"I cannot believe how long it's truly been since we have done anything" Carlos said. We sat in the fancy restaurant together, I still had no reply from Michael but I ignored the whole thing. Carlos sat opposite me, already having ordered wine, he wasn't drinking but he knew my favourite from this place.
"I know, you've moved to Ferrari and forgotten us" I frowned
"I never forgot you amiga" he smiled
"You're so nice. How is Ferrari though?" I asked him
"It's really good, the car is good this year. But apparently not as good as yours" he laughed
"Well what can I say" I smiled as I sipped the wine he poured me "is Charles good? A good teammate"
"He's great, I get on with everyone because everyone loves me so"
"So full of yourself" I chuckled
"How is McLaren still though, it might be your year. And I never said congrats on the multiple promotions, well done. You're such an asset to them"
"Thank you, it's been really good, remaining hopeful" I said to him
"Let's move on from work though, that's boring" he chuckled
"Let's. How is Isa?" I asked him. I met Isa along the way with Carlos and she was the loveliest girl. I spent a lot of time with her when she came to races and Carlos was driving, I did the same with Luisinha now for Lando.
"She's so good, she misses hanging out with you. It'll be good if we can do something in the break, she'll be there of course" Carlos said
"Absolutely, booked my flights already" I laughed
"You better have. You can stay with us" he smiled, Carlos had a large Spanish villa in his home country, I had never been there myself but I remembered Isa showing me pictures.
"Of course" I smiled
"I'll invite Lando, and what is Daniel doing? Will he come?" He asked
"Not sure, but I'll check with him" I smiled, I didn't want to speak about Dan, not when I knew he was moody. "Lando's gutted to miss out on dinner" I laughed, moving the subject along
"What's he doing?"
"Netflix" I said simply, our food arrived and I smiled. My favourite dish.
"Boring" he chuckled "he was always jealous of us. But now I'm in his shoes and jealous of you two" he said. Carlos and I were close in the first year I worked there, and his last year. I was close with Lando as well, but he always moaned Carlos and I were closer, even though the three of us always went out together
"He's definitely jealous of not being with us for dinner, even more so when he finds out it's here" I laughed
"Well sometimes we just need a bit of Carlos and Alex time" he smiled
"Definitely" I clinked my glass against his while we laughed.

Carlos and I had a lovely dinner, and then sang silly songs the whole drive back. I didn't get back to the house until late and when I did, all the lights were off and Daniel was asleep. Michael hadn't responded to me at all, and Daniel hadn't checked in with me. Not that he had to, but I thought he might. I sighed and got changed for bed. I didn't want to argue with him or him be moody. It was even an argument but I didn't like the fact he had cut me off so harshly and then shut himself in the bathroom, he had definitely told Michael to not reply to me.

I took myself into the spare room and laid down in bed there. Not to be stubborn but I didn't want to annoy Daniel further, it wasn't an ideal situation but nevermind. I had to get some sleep as there was qualifying tomorrow, and that was important. I settled down, feeling ridiculously lonely. I hadn't been on my own in bed in a very long time, and I certainly wasn't a fan, but my body was tired and I needed to sleep, so that's what I did.

"Alex???" I bolted upright when I heard Daniel's sleepy voice and his footsteps around the house, he wasn't being quiet, I looked at the dim alarm clock, 3am? Why was he even awake. The door opened, casting light into the dark bedroom, Daniel came in immediately. "What are you doing in here?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I didn't want to disturb you" I whispered. I was still half asleep so I wasn't sure if my words were coherent.
"Don't be silly, come to bed" he said, he was sitting beside me now, he pulled my hand and tried to get me out of bed "fine, we'll sleep in here then" he grumbled, sliding under the duvet beside me. I shrugged again as he turned his back on me and quietened down. I wasn't sure what the point was, if he was just going to turn his back on me why wouldn't he just go back to bed. I turned away from him also, and without realising it, tears poured from my eyes. Everything about him today, tonight, it was off, it made me uneasy. I wasn't even sure what I could of done to make this happen, I backtracked through my day, baffled by what I may have said, or done, to deserve this. The silent treatment, the harsh tone.

My pillow became wet with tears as I silenced my sobs, trying not to wake Daniel, or disturb him. I wasn't sure if he was awake still or not, but either way I tried to be quiet. Debating to leave the room or not, but if I did he would wonder what was wrong.

"Alex?" I heard Daniel as he moved around in bed, "Alex what's wrong?" He asked, he pulled on my shoulder, making me roll onto my back as he leaned over me, working out what was wrong in the low light of the room. "Are you crying? Why are you crying?" He asked, his tone more urgent now. I pulled away from his grip and wiped my tears, sniffling as I did. He sat up and turned on the lamp, now he would definitely see.

"Hey, come here" he said. The tone shifted completely, so soft and caring. A polar opposite to the Daniel I had been interacting with previously.
"Nothing" I said, I tried to roll back over but he was having none of it
"Don't be silly, you're crying so something is wrong" he said, he wiped his thumb across my cheek, holding me in place so I was looking at him
"I don't know why you were so cold earlier, it was so unlike you" I said to him
"Because you went off for dinner with him" he said
"Carlos? Why?" I asked, was that really I was given the cold shoulder
"Yes, I got jealous okay. And then I had a bad day. I took it out on you and I'm sorry" he said
"And you didn't message me or anything. I even text Michael to ask what was wrong and got ignored and then come home to you already asleep" I said
"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, it was my issue, not yours. I was being silly and you didn't need to worry, I asked Michael not to respond as I didn't want to ruin your evening" he explained
"That makes no sense" I said to him
"I know and I'm sorry, come on don't cry. Why would you cry?" He asked
"Because I don't like it. We're never like this, and it's made me sad" I said
"Don't be sad, I'm here. Right here" he said, he pulled me in against him, his arms around me, holding me in place. I melted into his arms, it was my happy place after all
"Why would you be jealous?" I asked
"Because you and him went for dinner alone, it just made me jealous. You were chatting away earlier together as if no one else existed, laughing together, making plans"
"Carlos is my friend, I worked with him" I said simply, that was the truth of it
"I know he is, I know you did. I couldn't help it" he said
"What's the problem Dan?" I turned and faced him and placed my hand on his face, softly rubbing my thumb against it
"You're the one crying, why are you being so nice" he mumbled, I shrugged at him
"Come on, talk to me. You mentioned something this morning and now this?" I asked
"I don't know, I'm just going through such a weird phase. I spoke to Michael about it. I just feel like I'm losing you, we don't see each other as much, and now this week you're with Lando so everywhere he goes, you go, and then dinner with Carlos, it's like it's everyone but me and I don't want to lose you, I don't know what I would do without you"
"Dan, you're never going to lose me. I promise, I'm right here, I'm always going to be here. Do you know how hard you are to get rid off" I joked, he smiled. I could always making him smile
"I promise" I nodded
"Would you marry me?" He asked.

My eyes widened at his comment. Was he asking me? He couldn't be asking me? As if sensing my shock "don't worry, I'm not asking you now. I would plan it a lot better. I just was wondering"
"I've already ticked off living with you, that's next one the list" I said, he laughed
"And what's on your list?" He asked
"Wedding, kids, being home in Australia, travelling the world properly on our own timescale" I listed
"Perfect. Sounds perfect" he smiled. He got up and I tried to grab him to keep him in place but he was too fast.

He came round my side of the bed and yanked the covers off before pulling me and then throwing me over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" I giggled
"Taking you back to our bed" he shrugged. He slapped my bum and then threw me down when we arrived in our room.
"You're so annoying" I rolled my eyes and tucked myself into bed
"So are you" he laughed before pulling against him once he was in bed himself
"I love you"
"I love you" he kissed the top of my head as I lay on his chest, perfectly comfy.

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