Chapter Fifteen

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Italy was warm, not peak summer warm, but warmer than England. We had landed last night and all gone straight to sleep as it was a late flight out and a long day yesterday. Today we were up and on the way to the track, it was short day today, practise sessions started tomorrow, but today was just the track walk and getting some bits done ready for tomorrow.

"Alex you coming" Lando called from out the front of the garage. Daniel was coming out from the back and followed me out. Michael, Daniel, Lando, Jon and I were going on a walk round the track. It's normally what you do before you even get in the cars as it gets their bearings of the track, before you've got cars and fans out there. The sun was shining. I grabbed my water and Daniels and handed it to him as we walked down the pit lane and began. Just over 3 miles for this track. It was good for the boys to walk with their trainers, to get their heads round the track and truly focus. I walked in step with Lando as he talked to Jon about the corners and the straights.

"I see Alpine are already out" I pointed out ahead of us. You could see their blue tops in the distance. Alpine which were Renault last year, they're one of McLarens biggest competitions at the moment, and the team Daniel raced for last year.
"We're gonna top them this year. Don't you worry about that" he said coming up next to me and nudging my arm. Lando smiled at me.
"Alright you two, enough of the flirting" I rolled my eyes at Lando's comments and we continued walking the track while the boys went through all sorts of tactics and information.

Back at the hotel, I was getting out of my uniform and chilling out when Daniel came bursting through the door. He never does anything quietly.
"You okay there buddy?" I asked him. He closed the door behind him and came marching up to me. He picked my up and spun me around
"I thought I said don't call me buddy" he said, he stopped spinning me and put my back on the floor
"Do you want me to throw up on you because I will" I said holding my head and sitting down. He chuckled
"Come on, we've gotta go do something. I made a promise and I want to show you a bit of Italy!" He yelled.
"Calm downnn" I moaned putting my hand over his mouth, in response he licked my hand and I yanked it away, "ewwwww" I wiped my hand on his T shirt and picked up my sunglasses from the table and turned to face him. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in so we were pressed against each other
"Where are you taking me?"
"On a date" he replied casually
"Sorry?" I looked up at him
"Well if you count the pier in LA, this will be date number two"
"Oh and you think that constitutes a date does it?"
"Any date with me is a brilliant date and is definitely top"
"I've been on a few dates Ricciardo, you're gonna have to do better than that to impress me"
"Game on" he stated, he kissed my forehead and pulled me out of the door.

We got into his car and he drove us into what looked like a town centre. Italy was beautiful, I wanted to see absolutely everything possible. He got out the car once he parked up and came racing round to my side to open my door.
"A proper date requires a proper gentleman" he said holding out his hand as I stepped out the car. I rolled my eyes and looked around
"So I was thinking let's just walk and get some ice cream and see where the afternoon takes us" I nodded and walked around with him, we went in shops, explored the streets with its history and culture, it was beautiful. There were plenty of fans who stopped him for pictures and he was so nice and lovely to all of them, it was so nice to see. He kept apologising but I saw nothing wrong with it, in fact it showed a more heartwarming side to him. Not that it wasn't already apparent. When we got back to the hotel he took me into his room and opened up his window where you could see over the track they would be racing on. It looked amazing with all the lights on it. He stood behind me and put his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder so our cheeks were touching. I felt so comfortable.

"I just want you to know, that I hope this was a good date. But if not there's plenty more and I will up my game. But I may not be your first date, first kiss or your first love, but I intend to be your last" he kissed my cheek and I cuddled into him more.

Part of my job is helping out with the boys when they get a rough time. They have Jon and Michael to keep them going and boost them, but when it comes to the media it can be ruthless. Especially when they're hard on themselves.
During qualifying, Daniel placed p6 and Lando p7, which is a fairly good result. Unfortunately Lando was running a great last lap until the FIA picked up something with his onboard camera showing him go completely off the track rounding a corner during the lap which deleted his lap time. He was suffering for it and beating himself up.
After the media they went into their post qualifying briefing, I didn't go in there but I knew going through what happened would be worse for him.

The boys went into their rooms after briefing, I saw Jon go into Lando's to boost him. I went into Daniel's, I knew Michael wasn't in there and I was being cheeky but I didn't care. He was laying on his bed with his headphones on and his eyes closed, his fingers were tapping to the music he was listening to on his leg. I snuck over and started kissing him. I probably shouldn't incase we got caught but you only live once right?
He started kissing me back straight away and pulled me down on top of him. I slid off his headphones and whispered in his ear. He sat upright nearly knocking me flying, he caught me so I was sitting on his lap.

"Don't tease, not while we're here" he whispered into my neck between kisses
"And who's teasing who?" I let my head fall back. There was a knock on the door and I stood up quickly and grabbed my phone opening up my emails
"So we just need to do a couple of bits for the YouTube channel in a minute once Lando is good and then we can call it a day" I said. I turned round and saw Michael at the door
"Nice recovery" he laughed. I rolled my eyes at him, he weren't stupid it seemed, I turned sat down at the desk, "I was just coming up to see if you wanted to grab some food" Daniel nodded and ushered him out the room.
"Now, where were we?" He looked at me and pulled me over to him.
"Nope, you said no teasing and that was a bit too close for my liking" I said. "You can wait" he groaned and fell back to laying. "Come on get changed and we can finish off these bits after you've eaten, I'm gonna go check on Land"
"As long as you don't greet him the same way"
"Never, that's special Ricciardo treatment" I said, I kissed him once more quickly before turning on my heel and walking out the room.

Race day, and Lando was still disappointed but the rain had started and I won't lie. Wet races really set me on edge. I didn't want to see either of them get hurt. I gave both Lando and Daniel a hug before they got in their cars. I stood in the garage watching the screens. Michael was next to me. It was the most nerve racking time but the rain slowed a bit and it got easier and thankfully they made it home safely. Lando with a podium finished, Daniel came home in 6th which he wasn't thrilled about but that was the nature of the race and the team were happy that both cars finished with points for themselves and for McLaren. We were all waiting for Land and the bottom of the pit lane, he drove him and got out his car and we all cheered for him. Lando grabbed me and picked me up and swung me around in celebration, he squealed like a little girl it made me laugh. When Daniel arrived he hugged Lando and I looked at him but he still had his visor down and seemed deflated. I walked back to the paddock with just Daniel and Michael. Lando was doing his interviews as a podium finisher. Daniel was quiet.
"I know it's hard but don't beat yourself up, you've got so many more races to go" I said as we walked into his room. He slumped on his bed and put his hat over his face.
"Come on mate, you got this. We just got to work harder smarter and go faster. Like Alex said, there's so many more races to go" he groaned under his hat.
"I need to go and get some things together and ready for later, are you gonna be okay?" I asked. Again he didn't say anything he just nodded. I left the room and Michael gave me an encouraging squeeze on the arm.

Once I had Lando and Daniel in the same place, I walked them to the press ring do their bits and then it was back to the trailer for their post race briefing, had dinner and finished up before the whole paddock started to be packed away. Daniel was still down in the dumps but he was happy for Lando. They hugged it out and we all left the track and made our way back to the hotel. I gave Lando a hug and congratulated him  again, before he went into his room. Daniel was just ahead of me at his door with it open. He beckoned me towards his room. And so of course I went. I had a feeling he needed me as he was probably still down.

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