Chapter Thirty-One

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Lando was very quiet this morning, he still felt very sore and achey and his elbow was so bruised. We were on the way to the track for race day, and yet again the rain was pouring. We got out the car and I held the umbrella out for Daniel which he took and then got another one for Lando, I walked with Lando holding the umbrella over him.
"You feeling okay?" I whispered to him
"Yeah, I'm alright" he shrugged, he put his arm around me and took the umbrella so that he was holding it.

We attended some media bits before the race and Daniel was asked about Lando a lot which I wasn't surprised about. I was so on edge for this race. The mechanics did a great job at getting Lando's car fixed for the race, and before I knew it they were getting in there cars. And then the race was delayed because of the weather, so they were back out the cars. Daniel was pacing around the garage trying to find some amusement and Lando a little nap which I found hilarious. I was watching the screens as the safety car was out again checking the track. Daniel came up behind me
"You know we could always do something to pass the time" he whispered into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine
"No no. You could literally get a 10 minute warning before you're out there" I said, we were in full view of the team but no one really cared. I continued watching the screen trying to ignore the fact that Daniel's hand was on my hip
"I only need 5" he whispered again. I turned to face him and rolled my eyes, "don't roll your eyes at me" he said
"Or what?" I pushed, a cheeky smirk crossed his face
"Or I'll tell you off" he said
"And how are you going to do that?" I asked
"Well I'll need a lot more than 5 minutes for that" I gasped at me as threw his head back in laughter.

"Into the cars boys" Andreas called out to Lando and Daniel, after three hours of delays, they were starting from the pit lane. Daniel was in p4, Lando was p14 unfortunately. They lined up and then left the pit Lane behind the safety car, two laps behind the car and the race was suspended, they all come back into the pit lane again and Daniel and Lando got back out their cars. We sat waiting once again in the garage

"I think they need to just call it now, we cant go back out. It's done with" Daniel said
5 minutes later, an announcement came through that the race would not resume and their qualifying places would be their finishing places for the race. Lando wasn't happy but it was the end to a not so nice race for him. Daniel was happy with p4 but sad about not racing but it just wasn't worth it.
We did media and then left the track while it was being packed up to take to the Netherlands.

Back at the hotel, Lando went straight to bed, he was still a bit down about the crash and then not racing to make up for it. Daniel and I now shared a room, there was no sense in paying for another room when one of them was never used. I put my bag down, and took off my wet rain jacket and hung it up. I was so cold from being in the rain all day
"What a day to be alive" i said. I looked over at Daniel who was sprawled across the bed in his wet clothes. "Really?" I said rolling my eyes at him
"What did I say about the eye rolling?" He stood up and crossed the room so fast I didn't have a chance to react before he picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter
"We're still on that then are we?" I questioned. "You're on the bed with your wet clothes" I sighed
"I can remove them, that's not an issue" he said, and that he did, he literally pulled off his jacket, his top and his trousers and was left standing in just his underwear.
"Right and what about me?" I asked, I could feel the heat radiating from his body
"I can arrange that" he said. He tore off my T shirt and picked me up and threw me on the bed.

I rolled over and picked up my phone, I had been wide awake for ages. Daniel was sleeping next to me and I was suddenly wide away, 3am, lovely. I sat up a little bit and I heard Daniel groan, I looked at him and he frowned and pulled me closer to him and wriggled around, he ended up laying on my lap. I laughed before opening up my emails and went through them checking with commitments and things. It was a big week for McLaren, we seemed to have a lot of support in the Netherlands. Lando was doing some extra media this week and travelling a little around so I had to sort that out. It was going to be a good week.

I must have fallen asleep because I heard Daniel's alarm go off and I jolted awake and my neck felt stiff as anything.
"Oww" I groaned sitting up. I did not fall asleep in a good position
"You okay?" I heard Daniel grumble in his morning voice
"My neck is so sore" I complained
"Go have a shower, the hot water will help" he said. I agreed with him it might. So I got out of bed and got in the shower, I let the hot water run down my body trying to ease my neck, it wasn't helping at all.
"Want some company?" I heard from the doorway. He just couldn't stay away could he, I didn't even answer and he was already walking into the shower, I kept my eyes locked on his, I couldn't look down because if I looked down, it was game over.

"Here turn around" he ordered, I did as I was told and turned my back to him, he moved me forward so the hot water was running down my neck, he picked up some soap and put some on his hands and then put his hands on my shoulders and started massaging them. Was there anything he couldn't do? I let me head fall forward, my neck pulled but not too much, he moved his hands around my neck and my shoulders easing it. I groaned a little because I was so relaxed.
"Any better?" He asked. I nodded and he let his hands fall down my back and then down my thighs, just his fingertips stroking my legs. I reached for the sponge and the soap, pouring some onto the sponge before lathering it up and making it soapy. I turned around to face him and looked up at him, water was running down his body, I took the sponge and started running it over his chest making him all soapy, he closed his eyes as I ran my hand with the sponge down to his stomach, stopping just below his belly button. I walked behind him, the sponge trailing along his body slowly, i brought the sponge up his side and onto his shoulder and then down his back, I walked back round in front of him and he pushed me into wall so quick it shocked me. His body pressed up against mine, he kissed me and it was half rough and half lust. I kissed him back as his hand trailed down and started playing, he pushed them inside me and I gasped which gave his tongue entrance into my mouth, I moaned into the kiss and couldn't get enough, he was addicting, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs round his waist as he slipped his dick into me, my back against the wall, it was the fastest roughest time but it was so hot. I bit down on his neck as he let out a loud moan and slowed down, his breathing heavy. I dropped my legs down and stood up in front of him as he leaned against the wall, his arm above my head and kissed my forehead.

We finished off showering and quickly got ready. We were now late, I got into my clothes, black joggers, white t shirt and chunky trainers, I swept my hair up in a ponytail and put my hat on, keeping it low down on my head and Daniel was sitting on the bed ready, in a white T shirt, a varsity jacket, black jeans and vans. He had his silver chain and rings on and at the point I was seriously considering making us even later. I walked over and climbed onto his lap my legs either side of his and kissed him, he put his arms round me and smiled into the kiss, I picked up the pace and deepened the kiss and he pulled away
"We're already late, we'll miss our flight if we're not careful" he whispered before I kissed him again
"We'll get a different flight" I said inbetween kisses
"What's come over you? You can't get enough of me" he chuckled, pulling us apart again
"I want you" I said it in a low tone and something flickered in his eyes, I could feel him get hard underneath me, it was his turn to pull me in and kiss me. There was banging on the door that broke us apart

"Alex, Daniel? We gotta go!" I heard through the door, I groaned and look towards the door, Daniel started kissing and biting my neck which didn't help matters
"We will continue this later" he said, kissing my lips once more before I shuffled off of his lap, we each grabbed our suitcases and I opened the door to see Michael standing there, he smirked at Daniel
"Fun morning?" He joked, I shot him a look and walked towards Lando and Jon who were getting into the lift.

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