Chapter Ninety

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I walked out of the garage after the race and found Lando and Daniel sitting along the paddock. Sophie and Ben both with them.
"I'll grab you both for a quick catch up in a minute?" I said to Sophie and Ben
"Meet you in the office?" Ben asked, I nodded and they both left together. Daniel looked up at me from his seat on the kerb and gave me a thumbs up
"Well that was certainly a race to remember" Lando smiled
"You two did amazingly! Well done" I said to them both
"Only race one" Daniel said, he had become accustomed to the ups and downs of this sport
"Start as you mean to go on! Take the positive and ride the wave!" I said, making them both smile. Daniel had finished 5th, Lando 4th, for the first race and for both of them to be so close to the podium was an excellent result, the team were in high spirits and now high hopes for the year ahead. I wondered if this was going to be the year, after the Monza victory last year, it never got better than that, it didn't really come close, so we were hopeful things were going to be good.

I headed back to the building with them and caught up with Sophie and Ben, they were practically on their own next week for Saudi Arabian race, I had faith in them, they had done so well, but I was only a call away and I wouldn't be far away either. I then collected the kids (Daniel and Lando), and got them in the car for some food, watching them battle for the front seat once again.

The next race passed by, another 4th and 5th, this time Daniel was ahead. It was definitely lifting spirits around the orange garage, both boys couldn't wipe the smiles from their faces. The team flew home, I flew to Australia with Michael and Daniel. My home from home now. Time to reset and keep the momentum going, I was fortunate to be in the position where I could travel with Daniel on his adventures, I could work remotely wherever I was. Michael had a couple of things we were all doing but I had been speaking to Michelle and we had a few plans of our own when I wasn't working, it also gave Dan some time with his own friends rather than me hanging around him constantly. So far we'd been in Perth for 3 days already, a group of us went on a hike which was my favourite thing to do while we were in Perth, but now I was sat in the garden, looking out over the farm, tapping away on my computer.

"Hello Soph, you okay?" I greeted her as my phone rang
"Yeah, I just wanted to run through some things for the next race if that's okay, I've got some stuff from Ben as well?"
"Yeah absolutely go ahead"
"We've got the Lego build of the car on Wednesday so the guys are meeting them first, and going through that, but we wanted to know what time is best?"
"What have they got before that?"
"Track walk?" Sophie sounded like she was turning pages
"Schedule it in after, but leave some time just in case they're running behind"
"Okay, we're also wondering about time keeping before we get into the paddock, there's going to be so many people?"
"They can greet people, that's fine. It might be best to set them up with some merch they can hand out already signed? We've got stacks of it that we do every week"
"Hats are great"
"And then I just wanted to check, Daniel's family are coming aren't they? So we need to organise passes for them?" At the moment, Daniel, Blake and Michael walked out into the garden, coming back from some sort of activity
"They are, they're already organised, they'll be with yours and bens passes"
"Great, I think that's all. I'm sorry to disturb you Alex"
"Not at all, I'm working anyway. But give me a call if anything else comes up"
"Wonderful, we'll see you next week"
"Bye Soph" I clicked the red button to end the call and placed it on the table, smiling at the intruders and continuing to work. Daniel had sat on the outdoor sofa and placed my legs on his lap

"Please tell me you're nearly done?" Dan asked, tapping on my leg, as if listening to some imaginary music
"Nearly why?" I asked
"We're having dinner"
"I know"
"You know?" He asked
"Yeah I was on the phone to Michelle this morning" I said shrugging
"How do you speak to my sister more than me?" Blake and Michael laughed at him
"Because in case you didn't realise, everyone loves me" I laughed "but yes I just need to send this, what do you need?"
"We can go shopping? Grab a couple of bits for the barbecue later?" He asked. I nodded
"You two are far too domesticated" Blake laughed
"Who else is coming?" I asked
"Just friends and people" Michael added, I nodded
"Okay, now ssh" I said putting my finger to my lips while typing with one hand.

"Auntie Alex!" Issac yelled as he ran through the door way, I caught up and swung him up onto my hip.
"My little squirt, how you doing?" I said
"I'm going to watch uncle Danny race soon! I want to see the cars!" He yelled
"I know, do you know who else will be there?" I asked him
"Mummy, and daddy, and nonna and grampy" he listed, counting his little fingers
"And me buddy" Michael said coming up next to me, he pinched Issacs cheeks softly
"Mikey!" He giggled
"And there's someone else" I whispered to him, Issac looked up at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes
"Bella?" He asked, I nodded
"Alex" I told him
"AUNTIE ALEX" he yelled and wrapped his arms round me, I laughed as he giggled
"How is he more excited about Alex than me" I heard Daniel laugh with his mum. I played with Issac and Isabella for a little while, keeping them occupied letting Michelle get some food and have a sit down.

"You're so cute with them" Daniel whispered as everyone gathered outside. A lot of his friends were here, along with his immediate family. Daniel was in the kitchen with me as I sorted out some drinks.
"Who? The kids?" I asked
"Yeah, they love you"
"They're the cutest little things" I smiled
"I can't wait until we have one" he said and walked to the fridge, I nearly dropped the glass I had
"Sorry what?" I turned to face him
"What?" He asked "it's true" he said
"Hmm" I smiled
"I've got it all planned out" he said
"What's planned?" I asked he walked over and stood infront me, his hands on my hips, he kissed my forehead
"How I'll sweep you away and ask you to marry me. Where we will get married, and when we'll have kids and how many" he said
"You can't plan some of these things" I said
"I know but I can dream, I can plan the first part easily" he said "it makes me want kids now seeing you with Isabella and Isaac" he whispered
"Although that would be lovely, we are far too busy" I smiled
"Agreed" he placed a soft kiss on my lips "now let's get these drinks out" he smiled.

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