Chapter Twenty-Six

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Finally on the plane, Daniel and I could really chill out and be together properly. I went into the bathroom to get changed out of my work clothes and into some comfies. We were the only ones on the plane apart from the pilots and the two crew members, but because it was now 10pm they had gone to "bed" and left us to it as well so that we could sleep. I was standing in my underwear when the door opened to the bathroom.
"What the h-" Daniel came storming in, shut the door behind him and grabbed me and kissed me. There wasn't a lot of space in here it weren't massive so we were pressed together. He picked me up and sat me on the side next to the sink. He brushed my hair out of the way and started kissing down my neck and my chest

"What are you doing?" I said, although I technically knew what he was doing and I wasn't complaining
"Finishing what I wanted to do earlier" he growled. He was so forceful but not in a horrible way. In such a hot way. I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my legs around his waist, I could feel him hard against me already. I pulled off his T shirt and ran my fingers down his chest and to his belt on his jeans, pulling it off. He was still kissing me and had moved further down, unclipping my bra and exposing my boobs.
"What do you want?" he spoke in such a low tone, it send me crazy
"You" I only needed one word. And clearly so did he because he made eye contact and something flickered in his eyes, a devilish smirk on his face. His hands made light work of slipping off my pants, as did mine unbuttoning his jeans and sliding down them and his underwear. He pulled me down from the side, turned me round and bent me over the sink. I could see him in the mirror, his muscles tense, his hands strong holding me forward while he put it in. It was like ecstasy. I loved him so much.

Three hours into the flight and we had turned seats into a bed, we laid down together, snuggled under a duvet, I was laying on his bare chest and we watched the screen ahead that had friends on it.
"Just thought, I'm now part of the mile high club" I stated. Daniel let out a roar of laughter and kissed my head. "You should have a bad race more often" I said. He looked down and winked at me
"Can't I have great sex AND win a race" he said
"Well of course! Wow, imagine the sex after a win" he laughed again and kissed me head
"You're funny"
"I don't know what you're laughing at, you better get winning so I can test the theory"
"Test the theory?" He asked
"Yeah. Are you a better loser or a better winner" I chuckled.
"Ooh ssh you. Come on let's try and get some sleep" I nodded and yawned on cue. I snuggled into him more and got comfy.


Watching her sleep was one of my favourite things to do. She was so peaceful. I couldn't wait to get home and show her everything, my home, my life and most importantly my family. I couldn't wait for her to be in my world. She shuffled around in her sleep and I continued watching friends trying to relax.
"Daniel" I looked down and went to reply before I realised she was still sleeping. She had the biggest smile on her face. Was she dreaming of me?
"Daniel, I love you" she mumbled. She was dreaming of me! I squeezed her tighter and settled down some more and closed my eyes.

"Mr Ricciardo, Mr Ricciardo" I heard. I stirred and opened my eyes to one of the crew members. "We'll be landing in Doha shortly to fuel the plane. Will you be departing?"
"No worries, yeah we will be" the steward nodded and left. I rubbed my eyes and looked down at Alex. Still asleep. I looked at my phone, 7am local time, not bad. Still got a long way to go, should be arriving at 2pm in Perth their time.
"Alex, wakey wakey" I shuffled her away and she groaned at me before hiding her head in my chest, her hair falling over her face. I brushed it away so I could see her, "we're gonna have breakfast?" I said. Her eyes shot open, I couldn't help but laugh. Food was certainly the way to this girls heart.
We walked through the airport at Doha, we had a couple of hours so we were gonna eat and then check out some duty free. I followed Alex off the plane and honestly she looked amazing, she made the simplest of things look good and wearing a hat.. wow.
I took her hand as we walked into the airport. I swung my arm and messed about with making her laugh. It was like music hearing her laugh

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her
"Anywhere, whatever we find first" she said. We came across a restaurant and went in and sat down, ordering drinks and food. I took her hand that was laying on top of the table and held it in mine.
"This is so weird to me" she said looking at our hands
"Weird how?"
"We literally have a relationship in a hotel room or behind a door. To be holding your hand in public is weird"
"I don't want a relationship behind a door, i want to be able to do this all the time" I said playing with her hand
"I know, so do I. But our jobs are more important at the moment" she sighed as the waitress brought our drinks over. Alex sipped her orange juice and looked up at me. Her hat was pulled low over her head so her face was quite hidden.
"You know you really suit hats"
"I know" she said flicking her hand. I laughed and shook my head. Her face lit up when she said our food approaching the table, it was like a kid at Christmas.
I gave my mum a text letting her know we were in Doha and when we would be arriving in Perth and then tucked into my breakfast.

Perth. I was home. The familiar smells, the warmth, the sun on my skin. Heaven. My car had been dropped off by my sister at the airport so I could drive us to my house. I loaded our suitcases into the back and then jumped behind the wheel.
"Are you excited?" I asked her
"You're like an excitable puppy" she laughed shaking her head "tired but yes I'm excited, you're home" she said, and she was right, nothing beat being back in Oz. The drive to my house took around 40 minutes from the airport, and Alex fell asleep during the ride. When I pulled up to my house, I got out the car and lifted her quietly and gently out, so I didn't wake her. I carried her into the house and into my bedroom and laid her down on the bed for her to be comfortable. I then went back out to the car and got our bags out.

"Just got home. Alex is sleeping, when she's awake I'll let you know"

I text my mum, as she was coming for dinner later this evening. Well my mum, my dad, my sister, her husband and my niece and nephew were coming for dinner. I got familiar with my house again after being away for so long. Mum had come over and stocked up on food and drinks for me and gave it a little spring clean to freshen it up. I cracked open a beer and sat down on the sofa and stuck on the telly, waiting for Alex to wake up.

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