Chapter Seven

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"I've just noticed we have a similar tattoo" he said, he took my hand and stroked the rose tattoo I had on my right hand. I realised he had practically the same one on his left hand, how odd.
"We do that's so strange"
"So what did you do before this job then" he asked, letting go of my hand.
"Erm not a lot, I didn't work for a while I had a hard period at the beginning for 2019, but I'd grown up watching racing and following it constantly. Then one of the mechanics, Liam who I was speaking to the other day, we've known each other for a few years, he heard of this job and I went for it and got it and since then I've kind of been on the up" I explained
"What happened in 2019" he asked he looked concerned.
"Erm well both my parents died and I went into a spiral of depression, it was really hard. But I have no home really, there's no where I felt comfortable after that. Until I got this job, travelling makes me feel better and being busy makes me feel good. Winter gets hard again not being able to travel but I just keep going as I've still got a job to do and it gets good again" I said.
"I'm sorry that happened. I couldnt imagine how you feel. Do you have anyone at home then?" He asked
"I don't have a home, I say go back to England but it's not really my home. I have no other family and I lost friends after I lost my parents and the friends that I did have left I lost from this job. But I'm okay with it. I feel like I shed my old life and got on with my new one" I shrugged. He stared at me so intently. I get lost in his eyes so easily. "It all happens for a reason, and it builds us stronger and I'm so grateful to be where I am now" I said he nodded again. He was really listening it was so strange. I don't normally tell anyone any of these. I don't think Lando knows half of this. He's a great friend and a funny character but he doesn't talk this deep with me. "So anyway.. I kind of came over for a reason" I began.
"Is it the other night when we went on our walk" he asked. I nodded. "I just got lost in the moment, there's something about you Alex, I just can't quite put my finger on it, but I know that I have to know you, and I just want to by your side constantly" I was completely blindsided by that. I didn't expect him to say it, I didn't think he saw me in that way, I thought he regretted it.

I got up from my seat with my empty cup and squeezed past Daniel, he grabbed my arm and I looked down as I was standing right above him. My skin burned where his hand was as sitting.
"Where are you going?" He asked
"To make a cup of tea, want one?" He sighed and then nodded.

I made my way over to his kitchen and started making tea for us both. I was in my own little world dancing around and didn't hear him come up behind me until I heard a chuckle. I turned around and looked up at him.
"Can I help?" I asked
"I'm sure you could help with a lot of things" he mumbled, he stared into my eyes and took a step towards me, I moved back and hit the counter. He took another step and was now right in front of me. I could feel his breathe on my face, I could feel the heat radiating from his body. My heart started racing and my own breathing quickened.
"What are you doing?" I asked him, it definitely came out more shaky then I realised. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. Without warning he took my face in his hands and moved closer towards me, his face getting closer, it was like he was waiting for me to pull away or say something but I couldn't and then he put his lips on mine.
I couldnt even begin to explain what is happening. Daniel Ricciardo is kissing me and all I could do was stand stunned, I started kissing him back, the butterflies in my stomach were kicking around, my mind was screaming with so many things, my heart was racing so fast I was on the verge of a heart attack.
He pulled away, we'd only been kissing for seconds but it felt like minutes.
"I'm sorry I.." he began, but I cut him off by pulling him back in to continue. I didn't care, I didn't want to think about work, or the repercussions, I was only thinking about myself. My hands twisted through his dark curly hair, as his body pressed against mine, his hands went from my face to my legs as he lifted me up onto the counter of the kitchen, he stood between my legs and started kissing down my neck. His lips were so soft. I had to stop this I couldn't let this happen. But I couldn't stop it, there was a fire going off in my belly. I just knew that I couldn't let go of him and I wanted all of him. My hands trailed down his body and to his T shirt, I tugged at the bottom of it, he briefly disconnected from me to let his shirt go over his head before his lips returned to mine, his hand ran up my thigh and I gasped my mouth falling open, he took this as a chance and deepened the kiss. He pulled my top off so I was left in just my shorts and sports bra. He kissed down my neck and along my collarbone, as if he knew specifically where to kiss. My head fell back allowing his more access to neck, my hands twisting back in his hair and pulling him closer to me, he bit at my neck which only made moan, which made him more determined and energetic.

He carried me to his bed and nothing slowed down. It just got more heated. I could feel him pressed up against my legs as he laid above me, I entwined my leg with his pulling him closer, knowing that my hips were grinding against is, he let out a low growl which only made it feel 20 degrees hotter in the room than it already was. Before long the rest of our clothes were on the floor, he pushed his way in and my hips bucked up and my hands went to his back where I dug my nails into, in response. Moans filled the air from both parties.

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