Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I sat on the bar stool in Daniel's kitchen looking out of his window at the view. His house was sort of in the middle of no where and it was so peaceful. I couldn't wait to explore with him. I've been to Perth before, and I wanted to see more and I couldn't think of anything better than spending it with him. I was lost in my thoughts when he come in the kitchen behind me and put his arms round me. I looked up and he looked down, there was still concern in those gorgeous eyes of his.
"I'm okay, I promise" I whispered
"Not 100% convinced, but I'm glad I can stay with you and make sure of it" he said back. I smiled as I heard a car outside. His eyes lit up. He hasn't seen his mum and dad in months.
"Oooh they're here" I was still nervous but trying to convince him otherwise but of course he was seeing straight through that. He spun the chair round and took my hand, I stood up and walked out the front door with him to greet his family.

As they got out of the car, Daniel pulled me down the steps of the front of his before embracing his mum in a hug. I stood a little awkward letting Daniel hug them, he let go of his mum and gave his dad a hug. His mum came over to me and pulled me straight into a hug.
"Mum, remember I said she doesn't like hugs" Daniel laughed
"No it's okay, hello, I'm Alex" I said as she put me at arms length and looked at me
"Alex, I know I've heard so much about you. I'm Grace" Daniel's mum was exactly like Daniel. Made you feel comfortable and secure
"All good things I hope" I said laughing. She pulled me into a hug again
"He never stops talking about you" she whispered. I smiled
"Hi I'm Joe, when my wife finally let's go of you" His dad came over. Grace let go of me and Joe gave me a hug as well. He then put his arm round my shoulders and encouraged me to walk back to the house
"I hear you're a massive sports fan, have you ever watched AFL?" He asked. We walked into the house and into the kitchen. Daniel was still outside with his mum catching up.
"Of course, the biggest West Coast Eagles fan you'll ever meet!" I said, we sat down and talked all things sport while Daniel and his mum came in and sorted out dinner. It was so wholesome to talk to Joe, it was like having a conversation with my dad. We talked about football, the Australian and English kind, and racing and all sorts. It felt like I had my own dad here and it was just so easy I honestly have no idea what I was worried about.


I watched her cautiously from the doorway. I've never seen anything like it, finding her passed out on the shower floor, I felt like I was dying. I watched as my dad walked into the house with her, they both were chatting and laughing away as if they'd always known each other.
"She's really beautiful Daniel, honestly protect her at all costs" my mum said, I nodded
"She was so worried about meeting you, it sent her into a panic. I was so scared mum. I really love her" my mum put her hand on my cheek
"I know you do honey, it's easy to see that. But you two seem to click, like peanut butter and jelly, I've seen how you are when you talk about her, it's how I look at your dad, even after all these years"
"Try not to ask about her parents, that's what has panicked her. She lost them two years ago" I said looking down at my feet
"Well then, we best make sure that we make sure she knows she still has a parenting figure in her life and her parents will be looking down on her feeling extremely proud of the girl she is" my mum always knew what to say. I took a deep breath and walked into the house. My dad was deep into a conversation with Alex about all sorts of things, he was clearly in his element.

As we sat down outside for dinner, my dad poured wine for Alex and my mum and I got us beers.
"So Alex, how is it travelling the world with my son?" My mum asked her
"It's lovely, I love my job. I worked for McLaren before Daniel came over this year so luckily I was adjusted before he came bowling in" she replied, we all laughed
"It must be hard being away from your family and friends, I know we miss Daniel like crazy, how is your mum with you travelling around" my dad said, my head shot up towards him. I forgot to tell him. I saw my mum glance apologetically towards me. I took Alex's hand in mine under the table, but she surprised me
"Unfortunately I don't have any family now, so I'm kind of a free spirit. My parents passed away a couple of years ago, so it's just me" she said
"Oh Alex I'm so sorry, I didn't know"
"No it's okay, I have Lando and Daniel and all of my family at McLaren, so I get to travel with my family every week" I said. I squeezed her hand and she glanced at me and smiled
"So Alex, Daniel was telling me about how you've been to Perth before, where did you go?" My mum asked
"So I was around Perth for majority, just doing bits and pieces, I also went to Fremantle, also to Margaret River and toured some wineries, and then stayed at Rottness Island for a few days to"
"Oh that's so lovely! We mentioned to Daniel about Rottnest, and maybe about popping over there"
"I would love to" she replied
"Maybe we can see if we can go one weekend, when Michelle can come" my mum directed it towards me
"Absolutely we should!" I said

We sat in the backyard for ages, around the fire pit talking and catching up. My mum and Alex sat together nattering as women do. I couldn't believe she was so worried about meeting them and then she got on with them so well. She fit right in. And I knew she was the perfect person for me, that I was truly in love with her.

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