Chapter 24

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*A few hours earlier*

*Bucky's POV*
I'm sitting in my room waiting for Anna to get back. She's been gone a while. I get up and go to the lounge. I see no one. I go to walk to the training room but I see everyone in the meeting room. I walk in.
"What's going on guys?" I ask. They all look at me.
"Take a seat." Tony mutter.
"No what's going on?" I say a little agitated.
"Buck take a seat." Steve say.
"No." I shake my head.
"Well Anna has gone to the Red Room to take them down. We don't know anything else at the moment. I'm so sorry." Nat say. I look up at her and she has tears in her eyes. She walk up to me and hug me. I hug her back. Why didn't she tell me about it? She could have  told me. We could have helped. I storm out of the room.
"Buck come on." I hear Steve call. I slam my bedroom door. I grab my phone and call Fury.
"Hello?" I hear him say.
"Why the fuck did you leave Anna go by herself?!" I shout.
"Calm down Bucky. I told her that we would handle it and her not to go. Trust me. I gave her 12 hours to finish it and if not I'm sending you to her." He say in an attitude.
"You still let her go?!" I shout again.
"I have tabs on her plane she should be on her way back to you. Sorry, I tried to stop her I did but her stubbornness made an appearance." He say. I grunt and hang up the phone.
"Bucky she's back?!" Nat say rushing in my room. I run out and to the hanger. I see her plane land. The doors open. I look down. As I look back up I see her. She's all beaten up. She tries to make her way to me but before she can. She collapses. I quickly grab her.
"I-I'm sorry." She whisper just before she passes out. I start crying.
"Get her to the fucking infirmary?!" I shout. I pick her up and put her on a stretcher. They run her to a room with me following.
"Sir you can't come any further. I'm sorry." A nurse says before rushing off. I sit down on one of the seats. My leg can't stop bouncing.
"Hey buck you ok?" Steve asks me.
"Why didn't she tell me? We could have helped." I cry.
"Anna hated that part of her life, she didn't let many people in when we escaped, she hated people giving her pity. She wants to face her demons herself, it's the way she was made." Nat say softly rubbing my shoulder and sitting next to me.
"I know I know. I want to help her." I say.
"She doesn't want you to see what we faced. She would think that you'll think differently of her." She say.
"I never would have." I shake my head.
"She knows that, but old habits." She joke. I smile a little.
"She'll pull through buck I know she will." Steve say. We sit there for hours waiting and waiting.
"Mr Barnes you can go see her." Dr Cho say. I get up and I walk to her door. I hesitate to open the door. I turn the knob. I look up and see her lying there peacefully. I walk beside her. I sit down and grab her hand carefully not to wake her up. My tears can't stop flowing like a river. I wipe them away. I have to be strong for her.
"She'll wake up in a few hours." Bruce say.
"Okay." I nod.
"There's something else I need to test do you mind leaving please." He ask shyly.
"Sure but I'm coming right back in here." I say. I get up and walk out the door. I pace back and forth.
"You can go back." He say. I rush back to her side.
"Hey Anna I don't know if you can hear me. But I'm here, doll I'm not gonna leave until you wake up." I whisper. I hear the monitor beeping, the sound of the ocsigen mask. Other than that complete silence. I lean back and close my eyes for a second. I end up falling asleep. I open my eyes. I shake my head to wake me up. I look back down at her. Still sleeping peacefully.
"Still not awake yet?" Nat ask.
"Nope." I say.
"You should go for a shower, no offence." She laugh.
"No I wanna stay here." I protest.
"I'll be here don't worry, also there's a bathroom right in there." She point.
"I'll be quick." I say. I get up and give Anna a kiss on the head.
"I brought you some clothes." She pass them to me.
"Thanks Nat." I smile. But disappearing quickly.
"Hey it'll be okay, she's strong she'll come through I know it." She say hugging me.
"I hope so." I smile. I take one look at her before I leave to go have a shower.
*End of Bucky's POV*
*Natasha's POV*
"Hey An I haven't a clue if you can hear me but I miss you like a lot. Why didn't you tell me or Bucky where you were going. We could have helped. But I respect your wishes and I'll say no more about it. Okay maybe a little more." I chuckle a little.
"I luv you and I want you to tell me everything okay. No secrets." I say. I kiss her hand.
"Well I brought you extra clothes in case you woke up this morning. I know you hate hospital clothes. Major deja vu right. I also got your speaker and phone for music." I say. I put the clothes on the other chair and I set up the speaker. I can't get in her phone so I use her Face ID. I find Spotify and put her playlist on. A soft ABBA song started playing. I turn around and see Bucky. He walk over and I get up for him to sit down.
"Thank you Nat for everything." He say.
"No problem." I smile. I give Anna's head a kiss before I leave.

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