Chapter 10

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I punch the bag left, right and centre. I give it one last tornado kick before I finish up. I go back to my room and shower. I dry my hair and change.

*My clothes and hair* I walk to the kitchen and grab a drink as I was going to the lounge FRIDAY called a meeting

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*My clothes and hair*
I walk to the kitchen and grab a drink as I was going to the lounge FRIDAY called a meeting. I went to the meeting room and I sat down. I waited for the rest to come. Tony then Walked in and started.
"Ok we have a HYDRA alert it's in Munich, Germany we have to scout and infiltrate the base. Steve, Nat, Wanda, Clint, Thor, Sam and because Bruce is in Washington vision you'll go instead. We leave tomorrow." He nod. Shit this sounds like a fun mission. I would argue but I can't be bothered. Everyone nods. I go to my room to get my jumper. I walk back in and I see that there's no seats.
"Can I sit?" I ask Wanda. She nod her head and I sit on her lap. I join in a conversation but I notice Bucky looking a little jealous. I ignore it and I carry on with whatever we were talking about.
"We all should probably go to bed cause we have a long week ahead of us." Steve say getting up. I sigh and get up. I go to my room and change into my pyjamas.

*My pyjamas*  I get under the blankets

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*My pyjamas*
I get under the blankets. I can already tell this is going to be a long week. I stir in my sleep. It's the same nightmare over and over. But it never stops to scare me. The memory of her and her death and the guilt that I could have done some thing. I shoot up again. I look at the clock. 4:56am. Not bad. I get up and shower. I put my pyjamas back on because I can't be arsed to do anything today. I walk down the empty hallways. I go to the kitchen and make some coffee. I didn't realise this but me and Bucky are gonna be alone all week. How am I gonna get out of here to go to her grave without suspicion. Shit. I'll have to come up with ideas. Hey Bucky I need to go out for a while to see my doctor. Nope Bruce and Dr. Cho is my doctors. Hey Bucky I have an important meeting at the tower. We don't have meetings at he tower. Shit shit shit. What am I gonna do. I know I'm gonna relax I have a phew days to figure it out. I decide to make pancakes. As I come to the last one I see Bucky walk in. I smile at him.
"Hey I made breakfast." I say. He doesn't do anything. He looks at me and walks out. A couple of hours have passed and I've had enough. He's ignoring me and I have NO idea why?!
"What the fuck is wrong with you." I say walking in the lounge. He was standing. Fuck. I feel intimidated when he stands. Why is he so tall?
"What do mean." He say annoyed to.
"You know ignoring me all day." I say raising my voice a little.
"Why don't you tell me about the Wanda thing." He say. Um what is he talking about.
"What do you mean the Wanda thing." I say totally confused.
"You and Wanda you obviously like her." He say.
"No I don't." I say.
"I'm meant to believe that am I?" He ask.
"Me and Wanda are just friends. Why do you care?" I say.
"Yeah ok." He scoff.
"I don't like her?!" I shout.
"Really?!" He shout back.
"No I don't because I like you idiot!" I blurt out. Shit I did not just do that. I think I did. I go to turn away and walk out but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him. He crashes his lips onto mine. I kiss him back. His hands roam my body as it gets faster. He grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me up. I snake my hands in his hair. Neither one of us willing to break the kiss. He walk us up to his room. He walk us in and Bucky locks the door behind us. He looks up at me and our breaths fasten, I lean in to kiss him but he pushes me away with his metel arm grabbing onto my neck. I let out a groan and Bucky still grabbing onto my neck. He pushes me up against the wall and starts kissing me passionately. His tongue swirls inside my mouth. I moan in his mouth and he starts moving down my neck. Leaving love bites all over. He slowly lets go of my neck and I snake my hands up his hair. I start gripping onto his hair harder as he leaves hickeys on my chest. He moves me over to the bed and slams me down on it. I maybe confused after this but I don't give a fuck. He starts ripping my clothes off,
"Geez in a rush are we?" I say.
"Shut up." He grunts. He rips his shirt off and unbuckles his trousers as he crowds over me. He pulls out his cock and starts putting a condom on. I expected big but shit is this gonna hurt. He starts trailing his tongue down my neck and down passed my breasts. Sucking on my soft spots leaving me whimper. He teases my entrance and I release a moan. He starts thrusting and quickens every time I moan. He covers my mouth with his metel arm. And I feel I'm about to finish.
"Bucky.." I moan.
"Not yet baby." He grunts. He starts to thrust faster.
"Bucky.." I moan again. I finish and he grunts and rolls his eyes. He keeps going until he finishes. He places his head in between my breasts. I stroke through his hair and he shoots up and starts taking my breasts in his hands and messages them until my nipples start to harden. I lean my head back and arch by back.
"Fuck" I grunt as I bite my bottom lip. He leaves hickeys down my body and starts messaging my clit, leaving me moan. He groans as if my moans are music to his ears. He starts sucking on my pussy. I eventually come and he wipes it clean with his tongue. He definitely knows how to please a woman. We start to settle and Bucky wraps me in his arms.
"That was.. amazing" I say,
"You're so fucking hot" he whispers into my ear, leaving a cold tingle run down my spine. He starts stroking my hair and leaves kisses on my forehead.
"You always made me so fucking horny" he whispers.
"Same" I reply. We continue to talk about it for a while. He hardens his grasp and I fall asleep in his arms.

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