Chapter 21

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"At dinner I saw a— family of three." I cry harder.
"Anna tell me what's wrong." She say.
"I never told you this but. On one of my seduction missions, the guy got me pregnant. I told him to use protection but he didn't listen. I tried to hide it from the Red Room. They found out and took it away from me. I never loved it any less, the guy might have been an ass but still I wanted a baby." I cry.
"Oh honey." She say.
"I want a baby but Nat I'm scared what if I loose it. What if I'm not a good mom." I say.
"Nonsense you would be a great mom and don't ever think you could loose it, your strong and we have some of the best doctors." She say. I just can't stop crying. No matter what anyone says. I hear the doors open. I hide myself in Nat's stomach. I feel her getting up and I feel another pair of arms around me. They pick me up. I lift my head a little and see Bucky. I bury my head again. He set me down on his bed. He pull my leggings off and then my bra. He put his T-shirt on me. I lay back down. He lay down next to me. He pull me in to comfort me. I just lay there. I fall asleep. I don't have a nightmare or a dream. Just darkness. I wake up to an empty bed. I have to be strong. I get up and use his shower. I put his T-shirt back on. I make my way to the lounge.
"Hey honey you ok?" Nat ask while giving me a hug.
"A little." I shrug.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She ask.
"I was very upset back when it happened I pushed that memory behind me. I'm so sorry. I luv you Nat." I say.
"Luv you too. Don't ever feel like you can't tell me anything." She say sadly.
"I know, I know." I laugh a little.
"Now you need to talk to him he's beating the shit out of Steve." She say. My eyes widen. I rush to the training room. I see him sparring with Steve. No offence but Steve is nothing compared to him in a fight. I walk up behind him. Steve look at me. He nod. He step back leaving me and him. Bucky stand up straight. I put my hands on his back gently not to scare him. I wrap one arm around his waist then the other around his shoulder.
"Hey." I say. He turn around.
"You ok to talk." He say.
"I guess so." I say avoiding eye contact.
"Let me get cleaned up then we'll talk." He smile a little. I walk to his room. I wrap my self in his duvet. I hear him walk into the room. I take a huge deep breath to calm my nerves.
"You ok?" He say.
"I- no I'm not." I tear up a little.
"Don't cry. I'm here take your time." He say grabbing the sides of my arms and kissing the top of my head.
"When we were at dinner I saw a family. It reminded me of me and my family. It also reminded me that I wanted a family of my own. Then when I got taken by the Red Room I knew I couldn't have one. One seduction mission I got, you know pregnant. I made sure to tell him to use protection but he didn't listen. I hid it from the Red Room but they found out they took my baby away. I-I'm scared that I can't give you what you want. I could loose it I may not be a good mother. I'm sorry." I let the tears fall. He give me a huge hug.
"I think you'd be a great mother and I would be more than happy for you to carry my child but you have to stop doubting yourself. Your strong, intelligent, fearless, brave and you light up the whole room that's one of the reasons why I love you." He say. He pull me back.
"Your an amazing man. I love you Bucky and I wouldn't be as happy as I am now. No offence to Nat or Wanda." I say. He kiss me very softly.
"Anna! Anna!." I hear a little cheery voice call. I turn my head to see Morgan bouncing in the room.
"Hey Gigi!" I smile. She jump on the bed.
"Can we watch frozen you promised." She giggle.
"Of course we can." I say. I pick her up. I walk to the door. I look back at Bucky and see him smiling. I turn back. We get to the kitchen. We raid the cupboards for snacks. We go to my room and grab a but load of blankets. I grab matching pyjamas. We both changed. I put the movie on and we both laugh and frown at the different parts. Halfway through we start singing.
"Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat
Nope, but sometimes, I like to close my eyes
And imagine what it'd be like when summer does come, huh
Bees'll buzz, kids'll blow dandelion fuzz
And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer
A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand
Probably getting gorgeously tanned in summer
I'll finally see a summer breeze blow away a winter storm
And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm
And I can't wait to see what my buddies all think of me
Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer
The hot and the cold are both so intense
Put 'em together, it just makes sense
Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle
But put me in summer and I'll be a happy snowman
When life gets rough, I like to hold on to my dream
Of relaxing in the summer sun, just lettin' off steam
Oh, the sky will be blue, and you guys'll be there too
When I finally do what frozen things do in summer
I'm gonna tell him (don't you dare)
In summer." We both sing.

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