Intrigued, Lucia decided nevertheless to watch closely the fight of the little Rebecca. Women were rare in this tournament and she was far from having the physique of a gladiator, the Elementalist was curious to see how she would fare. The men in the arena had no mercy and no ethics, they would go four on four against her without hesitation. They were throwing blows at her, which she avoided without attacking back. Then there was a dodge that sent one of her opponents into the water. Then a second one. And it was two more bodies that fell into the water surrounding the platform. Is she seriously counting on... winning without a single sword stroke? Lucia was blown away, the girl was as agile as a feline, supple and lively, not taking a single blow, knowing where to position her feet to keep her balance, where to place her blade to simply destabilize her opponent. She moved, as graceful as a dancer, and all those who confronted her ended up in the water. Lucia was impressed, not only the show was magnificent but she had more and more empathy for this little girl. She uses Observation Haki, is she even aware of it? You are a great person Rebecca, no matter what your story is, you are a great person.

Loud crying then drew her attention. Intrigued, she walked outside the coliseum to look at the source of the noise. She leaned forward and squinted to see what was going on and was stunned to recognize two figures she knew all too well. Zoro and Kin'emon were standing at the entrance to the Coliseum. She took one last look around the arena, watching the fights that continued to rage in Block D. Cavendish, the famous pirate she had noticed earlier, wielded a sword with great dexterity. He managed to defeat a last opponent without the slightest effort with a loving look towards the arena, turning once again to Lucia with a wink, his rose in his hands. Lucia had a grimace. Yeah come on, the choice is quickly made. She passed her legs over the top of the Colosseum and, in a supple movement, let herself slide towards the ground. She made a silent and discreet fall by making herself intangible, using the water to move calmly. Eventually she materialized not far from the two men she knew and walked towards them. Zoro was the first to notice her;

"Lucia?! What are you doing here? You also take part in this tournament it is that?"

"No", she calmed him down, and lowered a tone, "do not shout my name like that moron!"

"Who are you calling a moron?!" screamed Zoro.

"Tell me Lady Lucia," interrupted Kin'emon, "is Sir Luffy in this arena right now?"

"But you didn't understand my word, stop talking so loud and pronouncing my name like that! No Luffy is not fighting anymore, he must be in the part reserved for the fighters of the Coliseum. And I was just a spectator of these fights until now."

"Do you know how we can find him?" asked Zoro.

"No, no one is allowed to enter the Colosseum except the gladiators once the fights have started. I don't even think I've seen anyone come out of there... "

She slowly approached the bars that blocked the main door and put her hand on the cold metal.

"Seastone..." she muttered. "Considering the space between the bars, I could maybe try to sneak in and hope not to touch the stone... but if it doesn't work we won't be very far..."

"It's kind of our only option, isn't it?" said Zoro.

A new voice attracted Lucia's attention and she raised her head towards a window a little higher on the facade. She was surprised to recognize Bartholomew, whom she had seen fighting less than an hour before, in tears.

"Not only do I have the opportunity to meet Mr. Zoro, but I also have the honor to admire the beauty of miss Lucia, the legendary childhood friend of Mr. Luffy. It is said that she is even the equivalent of his sister, having grown up with Ace and him."

The Elementalist Lucia [One Piece x OC fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now