XXXVI - The ghost of a white lily

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Laughing at Sanji's acrobatics, Lucia raised her head when Luffy approached her with his puppy dog eyes:

"What do you want?"

"Couldn't you make me a bubble? I want to swim too! Please? »

« Ta ta ta, no. One: I'd like to try to recover a little and therefore not push my body, and two: I'm too afraid to take my eyes off you for a second now."

"Come on", he begged her, "just a tiny little bubble of nothing."

"I said no."

"You're not funny," Luffy grumbled, pouting.

"Don't worry Luffy, there are craftsmen in town who can make you one in less than two seconds," Caimie reassured him.

"Is it true? Oh that's so cool!" exclaimed the pirate. "See Luce, at least they're nice!"


She sighed. Still, she was really afraid to let him go in the water now.

"Hey Caimie, you know what?" he asked her

"No," answered the intrigued mermaid.

"There's someone I have to see at all costs while I'm here on Fishman Island," Luffy declared.

Lucia smiled, he too had come partly for that.

"Did you? Let me guess, the mermaid princess?"

"No," laughed Luffy, "it's Jinbei."

"The boss Jinbei?" said Caimie with a surprised tone.

"Wait Luffy," interrupted Usopp, "Jinbei, you mean one of the seven Warlords? Or rather former one since he resigned after the war."

"Hm, hm, that's right, he's a friend of mine", confirmed Luffy.

"What?! Are you kidding me?! You are already friends with the empress of Amazon Lily, with him too?"

"Yeah," answered Luffy. "When Ace died two years ago, and he told me that Lucia had died too, I almost lost my mind, but luckily he was there and I got through it."

Lucia laughed softly as Luffy yelled that he wanted to see Jinbei. He then turned his head towards her:

"You wanted to come for him too, didn't you?"

"Indeed," Lucia agreed, "you owe him your life and for that I will be eternally grateful. I wanted to see him again and thank him myself."

"So, where can we find Jinbei ?" Luffy asked Caimie.

"Uh, actually, it's going to be hard to meet him, he's not on the island right now?"

"HUUUUUH ??!" exclaimed the two friends, stunned and disappointed.

"You know, two years ago, after the war, he gave up his title of Warlord. As a result, the former members of the Fishman pirate crew were not allowed to stay here anymore. So they all left the island with Jinbei and I don't know where they are now."

Luffy was depressed, Lucia thoughtful. They were disappointed. But they didn't have time to return to this subject when Caimie's five friends came to tell them that a royal ship was on its way. Fearing that it was to coming to catch Luffy and his companions who had entered the island without permission, the Straw Hat crew and Lucia hid behind some rocks so as not to be seen. The ship approached and announced the three Neptune brothers, the three princes of Fishmen Island kingdom. Next to Luffy, Lucia stepped forward to try and get a look in and see what was going on. Unsurprisingly, the three princes asked the mermaids if they had seen those who had infiltrated the territory without permission. Lucia exchanged a knowing look with Luffy, she had put a hand on his shoulder to lean and watch and she felt Luffy take her hand and squeeze it hard. She smiled and then refocused on the three speakers. Faced with the lack of clues given by the mermaids, accomplices of the straw hats, the three princes turned back without having obtained the desired information.

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