XXXX - Blood

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The smell of blood filled the sea and Lucia saw the red flows floating around her, suspended in the water. The movement of a falling body made her teeth grind. The bubble structure she was deploying was still too small, she would not make it in time. Luffy and Shiraoshi joined her and she saw that he was talking to someone on a snail phone. She listened and understood that the soldiers of the royal army had a plan, they wanted to use their air tank to create a new bubble to envelop the Noah. Good, that's a plan I like.

"Luce you stay with the weak princess while I take care of the other one!" ordered Luffy.


"There's no "but" about it Luce! I don't want you in my way!"

Facing them, Hody ingested a new handful of tablets which upset his body and deformed him completely, transforming him into a monster of artificial power. Lucia swallowed. Fukabaushi's voice came through the snail phone:

"Fukabaushi, where are you? I come to look for you!" declared Lucia.

"No, no, stay where you are... listen well... I know... I know who Hody Jones really is..."

Lucia then approached the snail phone:

"Fukabaushi, can you make the one in charge of the new bubble able to hear me?"

"Of course..." confirmed the man-fish.

"This is the control room, what's going on? We are in the process of sending an alert message to warn the island and order them to evacuate the kingdom!"

"Very well", announced Lucia. "I'm going to swim towards the bubble you're preparing for the ship, I should be able to influence the currents a little bit to prevent the bubble from deviating too much from the trajectory and stabilize it."

"Can you do that?"

Lucia nodded before remembering that they couldn't see her:


"Very well, we count on your support!"

Luffy looked at Lucia and nodded:

"Take care of you!"

"You too!"

Without hesitation, Lucia dashed to the other side of the ship and swam as fast as she could to reach the huge bubble. Without her knowing it, the conversation that was between the air tank and the pirates was broadcasted in the whole kingdom. The voices of the straw hat pirate, the young woman and the mermaid princess resounded in all the kingdom, pulling the smiles of the pirates on the spot and raising the stupor of the men-fish who did not understand anything any more. Then it was Fukabaushi's voice that pierced the air, that crossed the water, and that reached the ears of all those who were watching the battle. Lucia deployed her Observation Haki to the maximum and took in every syllable that echoed against the water particles around her.

"I understand... that Hody is a monster that was created by our society, it was hatred that created the savage beasts that are the members of the new Fishmen crew. Fearing that their resentment would be forgotten, fearing that their anger against humans would dry up, our ancestors insidiously transmitted their anger into society, hoping that this hatred would outlive them because it could motivate the holy war they had decided to wage against humans. They needed a scapegoat and humans were seen as the source of all their ills. These bloodthirsty fish-men did not want our people to live in peace, that is the truth!"

Lucia cashed in these words, her heart destroyed by the sorrow that pierced the prince's voice.

"Their hatred", he continued, "is purely gratuitous and without foundation since no human has directly hurt them. They claim nothing. They are nothing but empty shells."

The Elementalist Lucia [One Piece x OC fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now