Unraveled Truths

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• Nobody •

"Make sure that you put everything away when you're done okay? Your father and I have to go to this meeting.." Jounha said as she was hurriedly gathering her brief case, and adjusting her white coat. Eunmi simply nodded as she continued reading her book and taking a small drink of water from her cup. "And don't forget to lock all the doors! And windows!" Kenji said as he grabbed his keys and put on his glasses. Eunmi nodded once more as she kept her eyes on the book and sat her cup gently onto the table. "Love you honey/sweetheart!" was all the duo said then ultimately kissed Eunmi's temples before ultimately dashing towards the front door, closing it shut.

Eunmi looked at the time and chuckled a little bit. "They're gonna be late regardless.." she said quietly as she set her book down and stood up. "I should really get tomorrows last lesson plan ready for Ayato.." she said before she noticed her mothers satchel on the floor beside the front door. Her eyes widened before she ran to it and picked it up in her arms, opening the door quickly. She jogged outside and just in time to stop her mother from entering the car. "Omma! You forgot this!" She shouted desperately as she held out the satchel toward her mother who was shocked but nonetheless grateful that her daughter had caught her on time. "Oh thank goodness Eunmi!" She said as she clutched the bag into her hands and gave Eunmi a gentle peck on the top of her head. "We'll be back soon.. maybe we can have a movie night when we get back.. it's been a while too, since you shouted for me" she said, causing Eunmi to slightly blush in embarrassment but nonetheless nodded and smiled. "It has.. now go, be safe!" She said as her mother gave a loving gaze as she pecked her daughters forehead once more and got inside the car. Eunmi suddenly caught a whiff of something familiar but was too caught up in watching her parents leave in desperate attempts to catch onto their meeting.

She walked back inside but couldn't shake the feeling of her being watched as she entered her home once more, locking the gate and locking the door behind her. She then headed upstairs to her bedroom, and looked for the notebook containing specific lessons for Ayato that she had to adjust. However suddenly, there was a slight tap on her window causing her to look at her window only to see nothing. She had a look of confusion before she continued searching for her book and then she heard the tapping again. Twice in a row. She froze slightly before she looked at the window and decided to open it to get a better look.

Suddenly, a woman with a butterfly mask had appeared, upside down of course in front of Eunmi. "Holy fuck!" Eunmi shouted as she stood back and her right eye instinctively shifted to an infamous crimson red and black. However, she instantly recognized this scent this woman gave off. "Nanami..." she whispered before her eye went back to normal, but her heart raced too rapidly. She's never anticipated that anyone of Anteiku would bother to track her down or know where she actually lived. Her anxiety began to spike but she tried to rationalize the situation. "It's just me kiddo.. you look like you'd seen a ghost, did I get you that good?" Nanami asked with a slight chuckle as she cautiously made her way inside her bedroom and closed the window.

"Yeah.. ya know you could have called or texted like a normal person.." Eunmi said with a sigh and a small uneasy chuckle. "But this way is kinda fun don't you think? Anyway, I actually have something from Uta for you, and since you haven't been able to join us recently, I figured delivering it to you would be better" Nanami said as she carefully brought out a bag and handed it to Eunmi, who had began overthinking about this whole situation. Did she know all along? Was Nanami here to confront her? Kill her? No, her body language didn't seem to carry with that of malicious intent. Nanami however, noticed how tense she seemed to look and her skin looked paler than usual. "Why don't we have some tea..? Just follow me to the kitchen" Eunmi recovered quickly as she carefully tugged at Nanami's sleeve. Eunmi's parents room and office were usually closed, and across from Eunmi's room. If she could get Nanami away from their room, then there shouldn't be much of an issue. Eunmi wasn't ready at all to explain her parents, wasn't ready to explain her situation that she never understood herself. And thinking about it had made her gut wrench in guilt.

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