The Suspicion

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• Eunmi •

I couldn't stop thinking about the sparring session, if I could even call it that. He was much faster than I was, and he didn't feel any pain or much of it every time I landed any hits. He seemed almost unstoppable, it honestly made me think I was fighting an energetic zombie of sorts. And it's a good thing that Shinohara stuck with just hand to hand combat, and not with any weapons, otherwise I'd be in massive trouble. But it still was a bit terrifying admittedly. Just what other people do the ccg have? First Arima, Juuzou seems to be very formidable, that Mado and his partner are intimidating as well. I internally groaned at the thought of even facing them even once.

I kept my stare to the ground beneath me. What can I say to even warn them about Juuzou? It would expose me all together about who my parents are, and they'll never trust me again or worse. Not that I could blame them but still. "Oi Eunmi! You haven't touched your disgusting drink, what's wrong?" Ayato's voice snapped me from my thoughts as I looked up to see Ren, Ayato and Touka looking at me in a bit of concern. I almost forgot I was with them in the first place. "Nothing, I'm just a bit tired is all, student council and the event is kinda wearing me out" I said. "You could have just said no to that you know" Ren stated bluntly. "I already promised Mei.. I cannot go back on that. Besides, in a few days I won't have to worry about it and it will be over" I sighed as I poked a hole with my straw to my strawberry milk box. "Plus it'll look good for the schools I'm applying to" I added as I took a sip of my milk. "Personally I don't give a fuc-" he was interrupted by a harsh smack to the back of the head by Touka. "Your language.. anyway, just don't overwork yourself too much, I'm sure you'll be okay" she said with a smile. I smiled in return but I couldn't help but look away right away.

My stomach growled and I carefully placed my arm over my stomach. "Idiot.. did you not eat today?" Ayato questioned. "I didn't have much of an appetite.." I mumbled. Ayato scoffed as he looked across the street from the park we were at. "Come on, let's get something for your appetite. Your strawberry milk isn't gonna be enough" he said. I stood up alongside him, shoving my hand into my hoodie pocket, and looked toward Ren and Touka. "We'll be back then..Touka, Ren  you want anything?" I asked. "Nah, I'm good thanks though.." he said casually. "Cold brewed coffee from the machine is fine" Touka said. I nodded before Ayato and I began walking away from the playground and to the vending machines across the street.

Luckily the street wasn't busy and we could cross pretty easily. "Now that we're alone, I need you to be honest with me and no bullshitting" Ayato spoke as we were far enough away from them. I bit the inside of my lip as I gave a small hum in response. "What's going on with you? It's spring and you're wearing long sleeves and a hoodie.. you seem out of it too" he said taking a glance at me. I looked away from his gaze, and I could have sworn I felt a glare at my direction. As we finally reached the vending machines, I pulled out some money to get the iced coffee can and a small snack from the machine. "Nothings wrong.. I get cold easy is all" I lied. In all honesty I didn't eat much of human flesh, and so my healings been delayed. Since the fight with Juuzou, my bruises that I had acquired have been changing multiple shades of the freaking rainbow. I could only take so much pain meds, and I can only hold in my pained expressions for so long. I didn't think that my own mother would allow me to endure such a match. But to be honest she didn't expect him to be so brutal or so advanced.

"You've been wincing at certain movements you make on top of that too, idiot" he added causing me to pause at my movements and all I heard was the sound of the items falling down in the machine. "What have you been up to..?" He said. I looked over at the glass and the reflection, and he looked dead serious. "You've been pushing yourself haven't you?" He asked. "Well.. I.. I've been training by myself.. so that way I won't get left behind. I want to be strong I'll admit, so I've been pushing myself probably more than necessary" I mumbled. I felt a soft pat on my head causing me to shut my eyes at the contact. "For a little smart ass you sure are dumb.." he said. I sighed as I retrieved the coffee and snack from the machine and turned to face him.

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